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E Bay and rare CDs


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ok...can anyone explain why the blue room and brothers and sisters EP are being called "rare" on ebay and are on sale for £26 when I bought both those copies a couple of years ago for £6 ???

please explain.. :?

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hm, i bought blue room for 25 euro at ebay...

well, dunno where to buy it else :shrug:

brothers and sisters i got this year for 7 euro at wom-store, so dunno if it's really "rare".

br was said to be rare, 'cause there were only few copys produced or sth..

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okay, maybe it's because my town sucks but i can't find the blue room cd anywhere. not that i want it all that bad, it would be nice to own!


if you guys can find them easy you should put one up on ebay. obviously you'd make a pretty penny!

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...think the original releases are collectors items...cos the sellers always quote the ID from the sleeve.... cant think why else there is such a price difference

I would love the safety Ep and Mince Spies...

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Ep's usually are rare so.... they're for collectors. i only got ep's from portuguese bands , i'm a bad collector! and normaly ep's are not for sale but for promotion so they go to the press and to the labels guys

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house-related finance problems mean i'm having to part with bunch of CDs, including a few "rare" (depends how you look at it -- see above) Coldplay items, including Blue Room EP, promo and normal singles, a still-sealed copy of the promo (card cover) version of Rush Of Blood, plus the interview disk that came out around the same time.


rather than go on EBay i'd rather sell to real fans, at what i think are real (or at least reasonable) prices, ideally in the UK (to save postage/cash exchange problems) but anywhere will do if we can work out the logistics.


drop me an email if you want to see a list: [email protected]



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  • 3 weeks later...

good luck finding the Safety EP......I have been trying for 3 years!!!.........Nowhere to be found.....when I met Guy he said he didn't even know if he owned one himself!!!.....I am sure he does!!!....wouldn't ya think?.....


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