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trololololo @those blue pants :lol: Chris's face :laugh3:


I bought a blue and white stripey top at the weekend to wear for work, I wore it today and it feels like I've been dressed like Tommy all day long... and tbh I'm not sure if that''s a good thing or like, really creeperish... :\




He looks better in stripes than I do... :dead:

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Sergio Pizzorno (from the band Kasabian) has done the original score and the film will be released in the UK on November 26 and in the US in February


Also, I’ve been told Pizzorno wrote an original score, but he did record some vocal’s on some of the tracks. One of the songs is called La Fee Vert (The Green Fairy).


article here


The film's called London Boulevard. There was an interview a few months back where Tom mentions this track, so I guess it's not going to be a Kasabian track anymore, and not on the next album - oh well. I might go see this movie tho :)

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FUCK YES! :awesome:



KOL have good music but their miserable little pussies. :P

And Muse :sick: can't hey just go away, they are getting even more attention in the US now because Matt is dating 'ol Kate Hudson :(





Btw, Paula.. you will like this. My friend in the Damon thread said her brother saw Tom walking around Liverpool yesterday :wacky: Aren't you close by... GO GET HIM GURL :freak:

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Q[/url] Awards)


hahahahahahahah they beat KoL and Muuuuuuse hahahahahahha :laugh3:

:dozey: but congrats anyway I guess....


KOL have good music but their miserable little pussies. :P

:laugh3:...but seriously, don't insult the Kings! They're not 'pussies', they're best known for their legendary fightsy temper... XD! I'm sure Nathan would kick Tom's ass in a fight! (btw, the Kings have made it in the top 10 'brawlers' in last Q issue and your boys are not even on it... :P ) Just saying... :rolleyes:

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