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You Are a Unique And Special Person Like Everybody Else


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Do you feel special?


It's quite an important feeling for me, I have to feel different, I have to feel like I'm made up only of myself and nobody else. I was chatting to some friends and many of them just accept who they are as people who arent special or unique, I dont understand it.


I work so hard at being special that I'm constantly trying to fit into this thin bracket that is neither left or right, here nor there, I dont like being labelled as anything, even if its basic. I cant accept being a Republican or a Democrat, as always in any situation I sympathyse with both sides to be, special.


I do.

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that is an interesting point.... :)

I feell special, I dont dont know people feelings, but I think that the society pushes everybody into the same life style , if you dont do that or say this...... and i can see that for example when i go out with my friends, sometimes i feel great being who im, but sometimes I feel weird, its an extrange feeling... i dont know how to explain it...

Im agree with you its hard to be especial!! hehehe! ;)

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This thread is for me!Since I was a child and till now I've always felt like I'm special, like I'm the only one and not like all other people.Now I know that everybody is unique, but I still feel special.

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I don't know about special but I definitly must feel myself usefull... I must know that when I'm there (work or privat life) people "see" me, that they can count on me...


a couple of times so far I felt useless and I was depressed as hell... even thought about suicide...

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I always want to be/feel special...even today before the german lesson I though:"damn....somehow you are special!Look at all those people.......they are all the same....boring....."

I always have those comments in moments that make me special....and I think my character is also....


sounds conceited somehow.....

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That doesn't sound conceited Julia :wink:


Reilly, I also try hard not to be labelled in any way....for example all my friends follow the crowd...especially with all this 'emo' crap going on lately... :rolleyes: .

They all act the same, listen to the same music, dress the same :snore:....yet they all think they are so individual and different....how does that make sense??? :\ Just seems like they are looking at life the wrong way, and wasting their time here.


I dont follow a crowd...I do what I want, dress how I like, act myself...and I like who I am. :) I just try to be the best 'me' that I can be. And I dont see anything 'big-headed' about that. There's a huge difference between liking who you are and 'loving yourself'.


After all, we are only on this crazy little planet once, so we may aswell like ourselves while we are here!

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Oh God, I hate how everyone tries to fit in, to be like other people just to be accepted or to feel like they belong.


I see it all the time. In high school, in uni.

Its always the same. People are thinking more and more alike eachother because they're scared their own opinions get rejected, or they'll be looked down upon.


I hate that.


I myself am one who doesnt really give a crap about what people say or think about what I do. Well, I do, but only if it makes me a better person. Other than that, I know what's right and wrong, and I really don't follow other people's paths.


And I like being me. :)

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I'm not special. I never was and I'll never be.


Well, I connect with the word 'special' also the word 'impressive' - it's not that I leave a certain impression to my friends (well... maybe to some of my closer friends) and they're not going like "Hey, there's the special/induvidual/blabla one!", I'm just an usual, boring guy to most of the people I know (even those called friends). So there's no 'special thing' about me, that's why I am not special.


Although I feel special, but feelings and 'the outer world' are quite different kettles of fish.

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That doesn't sound conceited Julia :wink:


Reilly, I also try hard not to be labelled in any way....for example all my friends follow the crowd...especially with all this 'emo' crap going on lately... :rolleyes: .

They all act the same, listen to the same music, dress the same :snore:....yet they all think they are so individual and different....how does that make sense??? :\


Hahaha isnt that the most hilarious thing?


They wop their hair by using mass amounts of gel and spray into some kind of vegetable, they plaster their face in makeup, weigh down their body in metal and spackle on nail polish that no varnish or toxic substance could possibly remove, all in an attempt to be individual.


They dont realise that in trying to maintain all of their own unique superficial features, they look the exact same as everyone around them.


Its all funny how Emo and Goth kids are trying to be anti-establishment in a poetic kind of sense, hating the fascist superficial regime sheep, oh the irony.


If it really is the inside that counts, then stop spending ridiculous amounts of time to look like freaks. Rant. End.

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If it really is the inside that counts, then stop spending ridiculous amounts of time to look like freaks. Rant. End.



The best are for me the pseudo punks....they say "yeah we are different and cool....different from most of the people/kids......"

And then they all have to wear original converse chucks.....yeah they are soooo special......

and in the end everybody wears those shoes and thinks is cool.......

But then the coolest are those who are not like everybody else......who DARE to wear other things...and look really different......

but in the end it really depends on the character......

and I think this makes me special........I'm definitely NOT like everybody else in school....even not the same as my friends.....ok...we think often the same......but when it comes to life-style....I have a life-style not so many people in my age here have....and I'm proud of it.......

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I think that "emo kids" said that they are differents and unique,maybe because they are differents from the majority.(society)


Yeah is a little confuss that in the search of their "difference" they imitate what other people do.


But that's what mankind always does.People needs to feel accepted,people needs to feel loved and liked.

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That's a irony!!


Picture this: A "different emo kid" being banned from his or her own emo society,just because he can't affort the rules (invisible rules for me)


But I guess that we can blame the merchandise and the publicity.

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I think merchandise and publicity can only be blamed at the beginning.....

kids start it.........and actually they don't know what it means......they hear the Ramones were a cool and anarchistic band and if you want to be cool you have to listen to it and that's it!

What real unks are and what they wanted to "reach" is forgotten or not even known!

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They do not know want they want,maybe cause they do not have the real passion in what they do,they do not have the real commitment.


The lack of passion and the lack of real identity with the things you do,is something really wrong.


That's one of the reason that make me not like all of the not governmental organizations.They are good and I think that world need it,just that sometimes the people that are inside that organizations use the organization for their owns intentions.Or the followers use it like a way to express their own anger to the world or to some countries.

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I think emo kids that dress retarded and try to be 'individual' do that because they can't think of any other way of being individual, like in personality or special talents... When they think "individual", they think of not looking like everyone else (*cough* when they really do) when it's much deeper than that...


I like to think I'm special...


I think I have a nice combination of talents... I can draw, play guitar, drums, piano, and clarinet, I've been told that I'm a great photographer, and I think I can make cool graphics... heh, I'm somewhat smart, and I'm looking to get a scholarship from softball...


...and I think I'm a very unique friend. If I disagree with something of my friends, I say it straight to their face... I try to steer clear away from talking behind my friend's backs. :( And even though I can be very mean to my friends, I think they appreciate it more than if I said whatever they wanted to hear.


Even though it seems like a lot, I'm never satisfied. I know it's good to keep pursuing to be better and better, but I never have any satisfaction when I, for instance, draw something. I immediately see another great drawing that's better than mine, and I think "oh, mine's crap compared to that". I try to be the best at everything... which is really stupid, yet driving at the same time.


But I always think, "there's always someone better than I am at what I do, then why even try?"


And really... who really cares if I can draw well or whatever? I'm not using my talents in any positive way--I can't wait to get out of school and get a job to use my talents for something useful...


anyways... there's a long and pointless rant for 'ya.

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"there's always someone better than I am at what I do, then why even try?"


That's the question that all the people always make!


And there are a lot of answers for that question.The problem is that you have to find it by yourself.


Life is really weird.Life sometimes resolves problems to people that do not need help.And also Life make things difficults to others.


But like you said ,you have to think in a individual way,(not being selfish),just think in yourself a little bit more.Is just matter of time to find "your answer"

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Guest LiquidSky

Hmm I never felt special even though, I wasalways treatedifferent from everyone else in my whole entire life which was something I never really quiet understood and I've always had people who are jealouse of me or envy me and even wanting to be like me. To be honest, I don't know why would anyone want to be like me..if they knew they wouldn't want to be me:lol: :sick: which is why I rarely say anything about the things I go through in life..and also because I been avoiding it.. no not avoiding it because I am aware of it I just don't really don't know what to doabout it and plus it just seems like a waste of time to me:rolleyes: :dozey:


so is it important for me to feel special? Not really..what's more important to me is just to be in peace, with no dramatic people and live the rest of my days my way, the way I want to and not spend it on whether I fit or don't fit..:dozey: plus most of those people are fake and ugly! (I don't mean ugly as in phisical but as in ugly inside..:P )

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ahh wow i haven't crashed a reilly thread in a while. :lol:


i like to think that i'm different/special in the sense that i'm an individual. when i say "individual" i mean comparitively speaking to the others in my school, etc. the majority of them are so incredibly materialistic/self centered, and base their lives around social events and don't value anything of substance. i am one of the few i guess who actually enjoys school and values education, as well as morals.


i think learning to like yourself is a big thing and i'm at the stage in my life where i am just really content with the way everything is going.

school is going fantastic, studies are going well, i have finally learnt from previous mistakes in friendships, i like to think of myself as a good friend, i've found a new violin teacher and she is fantastic, i've been going to the gym for a while now and eating healthy, and i've completely re-organised myself. everything seems to be adjusting/regulating itself, emotionally, physically, intellectually, mentally.


all the others seem to misinterpret this and think i'm a no-life snob who studies all day and doesn't enjoy her life. one of them has even called me self-involved, a bitch, and said the stuff i said were a waste of space. i'd post a link to her myspace which shows how pathetic/idiotic she is but she'd probably find out and just be even more of a bitch and i really dont want to see her face. period.


so basically. i like to think of myself as "special" so to speak because i like to value things of substance; talent, loyalty, intelligence, being cultured, understanding, having morals, individuality, etc... it seems there aren't many left who value this that i know.

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Hehe.....well....today made me think about this topic again....

My german course consists of people who are quite the same.....

we had a german lesson today.....and majority of the people there is really different from me....

but this doesn't stop me from giving some comments I want to give.....

haha........a girl said to out teacher:"Oh please stop talking about our a-levels next year....." he said:"Ok......I'll stop!"

And then I said:"No don't stop talking about it"........but I didn't say it....I sang it in a shivering voice....I don't know why I did this.....haha......one of the girls couldn't stop laughing......I think she really like sme for what I am and gets my humour...and others said:"hey is everything ok?"......and others looked at me in a strange way....I thought:"haha......you are all not like me....." and I felt good.....maybe that doesn't sound that special now.....but in this case it was....


and after this situation I looked out of the window and thought about this "being special"! thing.....because I wrote in this topic that I am special or that I think I am special and I wanted a proof....

and I came to the solution that I always WANT to be special.....that I somehow long for that.....because I feel bored when I'm not.....

one important thing I want to do,is to leave an impression in peoples mind...who know me....or come across me.....

I think this is one of the reasons why I'm living.....

otherwise it would just be boring!

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Guest LiquidSky

Well you will leave an impression on everyone.. either you want to or not. It is not a choice.. :wink:

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