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I just realised what's wrong with me...


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I'm obsessed with myself.


I'm obsessed with everyone loving me.



I mean... I've always thought that I was just trying to help people by doing things for them, but really it's cause I want them to think "Oh, that guy's cool! I like him".


Now I realise that cause I shouted at someone. Great.

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Guest LiquidSky
I remeber the "I Shot the Mailman" thread :laugh4: sorry, irrelevant.


Everyone is obsessed with themselves, it is hard not to be.




Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so that might mean I am obsessed with myself :thinking:

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If you let me, I'll help you get to the bottom of this tomorow Jack, when Im not drunk. Im always studying human behaviour, Ive made many threads about being yourself and such, it always interests me...




I'm goin to sleep now anyways. I'm away all weekend I think so I'll check this out Monday or somethin. I wanna hear what you have to say.

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Guest LiquidSky

It's important because if you don't you kinda start to forget what's going on with you.. although sometimes you don't really wanna know.. ;)

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I think what you mean saying "be obsessed with myself" is to be egoistic... but don't worry, 'cause I really believe that everyone is egoistic, some people more, another less, but it's a fact of the human condition, just like a way for the survival.


When you say that you wanna hear other people saying that you're cool is 'cause you wanna know they take into consideration you... everybody wanna have this feeling of being valued by the rest.

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