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Goldfrapp : "Chris Martin is mad!"

Ondes Martenot

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Oh I don't think he's insane, he's cute :) That's cute to fly home between gigs, maybe he just likes being with his family and writing songs.

I don't like Goldfrapp, I thought the opening act would never EVA stopped when I saw Coldplay last year. They were bad IMO.

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She may or may not have meant any harm in saying that but anyway-Im not too familiar with Goldfrapp so I checked out their web site and saw a couple vid's.... Ive come to the conclusion on 2 things....one being they SUCK,another is her look(in the videos) is heavily influenced by Madonna with a dash of Gwen Stefani


except they can pull it off :)

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She may or may not have meant any harm in saying that but anyway-Im not too familiar with Goldfrapp so I checked out their web site and saw a couple vid's.... Ive come to the conclusion on 2 things....one being they SUCK,another is her look(in the videos) is heavily influenced by Madonna with a dash of Gwen Stefani


except they can pull it off :)



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