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The Coolest Fucker On The Face Of The Earth!


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As well as writing the “best fucking songs in the world” during his year off, Liam Gallagher appears to have been taking kung-fu lessons.

After attempting to get an interview with the Oasis singer, a bemused NME newshound watched as Liam unleashed a dazzling series of martial arts moves at a gig in London last week.

Our intrepid reporter spent the night watching YOU AM I at Camden Dingwalls with Noel Gallagher before meeting Liam at the bar. During a discussion about the UK’s favourite music newspaper, Liam quipped: “I don’t believe in music papers – you only print crap,” before proudly declaring, “I write the best fucking songs in the world.”

Later, while NME shared a beer with Noel, Liam sauntered over and told our man to “fuck off”. He again jokingly said “fuck off” before stepping back and executing a series of kung-fu stances that wouldn’t have looked out of place in The Matrix Reloaded.

Noel and Nicole Appleton stood laughing at the bar as Liam displayed his moves. Liam then escorted the confused NME journalist out. Smiling, he returned to the bar to resume drinking with Noel and Nicole.

Earlier that night, a photographer was faced with the difficult decision between saving his picture or his reproductive organs, when Liam grabbed hold of his particulars until he stopped snapping.

“He said he was happy to have a picture taken but then he grabbed my balls, so I stopped,” said the relieved snapper. “He was clapping with the music for a bit, so I thought I’d give it another shot but then he started clapping in front of my face so I decided it might be a good time to leave!”

NME’s reporter has now enrolled in a karate club at his local church hall, while our photographer’s voice is gradually returning to its normal pitch.

As NME went to press, Liam’s part in the next Matrix film remained unconfirmed.



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Liam Gallagher is an ignorant bastard with no sense of style or originality. Noel's totally the opposite, hes humble, funny to see in interviews, and he can write songs. No, I mean good songs, Heathen Chemistry was such a disapointment, and part of that reason were for songs like "Songbird", Noel knows what hes doing, Liam doesnt.

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Liam WAS goodlooking.....but hes a JERK in general ....l was at a concert where he headbutted one of the fans!! :roll:....really dissappointing with the public...lol his BRO does EVERYTHING in the band...AND well...hes rude a lot... :shrug: o well...he was in a sweetband

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Liam Gallagher is an ignorant bastard with no sense of style or originality. Noel's totally the opposite' date=' hes humble, funny to see in interviews, and he can write songs. No, I mean good songs, Heathen Chemistry was such a disapointment, and part of that reason were for songs like "Songbird", Noel knows what hes doing, Liam doesnt.[/quote']


Liam ignorant ... of course he is, he is also big headed, cocky and damn rude, and i love him for it. He is a rock star, it is well documented he keeps his good side for his family and friends. And he gives the press what they want ... a beer drinking, cocaine snorting c/unt so everyone is happy. Having met the man, i can tell you he is lovely.


I picked up in your reply that Noel is "humble" bollocks, Noel makes sure he tells everyone he wrote the best debut album ever "those 11 tracks will be bettered by knowone" sounds humble doesn't he?


Heathen Chemistry was far from a disappointment, the only disappointing album Oasis ever released was Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants and it had a couple of classics on it. "Songbird" is an amazing little love song two minutes of sweetness, so good in fact the Geography Teacher has covered it in concert, and said it was the best song of last year.

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well l think its gay how Liam 'gives' the media what they want :roll: thats bullshit...hes just with no common courtesy or anything... hes terrible...so whatever you got to meet him...woohoo for you....however i bet if you saw him headbutt a fan just 15 feet away from you...your opinion MIGHT change :roll: ....like...WHO DOES THAT??? crazy f**k he is....l was really dissappointed after that....that guy had to be taken off..he didnt even apologise he kept doing what he was...being a bas***d,..EW and after the song was over (all around the world) Noel asked if that guy was alright and he said hes really sorry for Liam..and LIAM DIDNT EVEN SAY A WORD...HOW DO YOUKNOW?? that the guy who he headbutted wasnt like the MOST immense Oasis fan??? like...imagine hes really true to the band...how do you think he felt after he was headbutted??? he even tries to start fight with randoms...for no reason...its kinda annoying... :roll: o well ...thats my opinion....

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