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Yea, that's one way to do it. Also, we should all think of something together. :) If we all send in three questions, and they're worded differently, but ultimately the same, we have a pretty good chance of being picked.



Q1: How is Bo in Bed? - Paula

Q1: I heard Bo is really great at sex, is this true? - Libby

Q1: So who here is the better lover? My guess is Bo, amirite? - Jazz


Q2: What is your favorite shade of blue? - Libby

Q2: So do you like powder blue or dark blue more? - Paula

Q2: Are your eyes blue? Do you like blue eyes? - Jazz


and so on...


Of course, we'd ask better questions than that and not just us three. :P


And WOAH! Did Jonas get even more good looking? :o


hehee nice questions :)


I'd like to ask what the new album artwork is all about, I mean I get the trio thing and the butterfly signifying some sort of change/metamorphosis...but what's the clown thingie all about..?


And....I'd like to know why is Silas a magic car..? Unless we already know the answer to that one... :\


Alternatively, I'd like to know what they liked about living in London (if they was anything they liked about it..)..? And what they really didn't like...?


And....if they have a pre-gig ritual..?


And...ok, I'll shut up for now ;)


So is this band named after the sound a cat makes, or the Pokemon:




Or something else?


The first one...and get that bloody Pokemon outta here...! hehe kidding...


My question Libby would be more precise, something like "Is Bo good in bed, and would he be willing to let me test it" you know? :laugh3:





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Jazz, you're right. that is one reason they really liked the name. Here's another:


Who came up with the name?


We had run through many different band names, some really bad ones, and the day we got Silas in the band we decided to decide on a final band name, so we flicked through books and came up with Mew.


In the dictionary it had many different meanings all of which somehow portrayed a part of us and we felt it was right.



And Paula, I can answer some of those Q's right now. :)


Album Art: I think someone mentioned the clown had to do with youthfulness? It was mewsite, I guess. Idk... it sorta makes sens with the new music and the butterflies. :confused:


Silas' Nickname: Idk... why is Silas a magic car? Maybe we can ask Tero? :D


Living in London: Here's a bit from an interview.


You’ve been in Britain for a while now. Is there anything that you really like or dislike about it?


Johan- Well we haven’t really settled in completely yet, but I think that everyday we grow more fond of the place and get more used to it. In general, British people are similar to Danish people. It’s not like a culture shock or anything. We all speak pretty good English so there’s not a language barrier.


Jonas - The air isn’t very clean.


Beau - It’s not a very safe society here. There’s less security.


What about basic things like food?


Beau - I don’t like English food so much.

Jonas -I like Indian food.

Johan - I quite like minced beef pie.

Jonas - I tried steak and kidney pie. I didn’t like it.


Pre-Gig Ritual: Before every gig they hug, I think... :thinking:

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well lets ask them that one question that every girl wants to know ... do you have a girlfriend? LOL!

Just kidding, I think ;) Or why does Bo uglyfy ( I made up this word) himself when he is such hot stuff?

Are they pissed off at Johan for leaving them, but honest answer only? :) Well we can't ask them too many questions about new alum since it is not released yet and we do not know any songs :stunned: right? Where do they live right now? Do they (Bo only sorry) want to hook up with me? ;) All legitimate questions, you know ....

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You're welcome Paula. :thumbsup:


Well we know some of the songs. they have performed four of them live. :)


And I can answer those questions too, actually. :P





Bo got lesser attractive with the stache, but I am afraid of facial hair as you all know :uhoh:


Jonas has a gf and I think Silas does too.


Bo? Meh... :P




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They are all living in Copenhagen.


But yeeeaaahh, why does Bo uglify himself all the time..? Good question. I think he just dresses how he likes and doesn't give monkey's what anyone else thinks..he's way too cool for school is Bo :)


I know I've heard/read an interview where Jonas is asked "how did Bo get so cool?" or something like that...and he answers that he asks himself that very same question everyday..lol

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Oh btw here's the Soundvenus vid for anyone that wants to see - the other one I uploaded stopped at 1min in for some strange version, this is the full 3 min hardcore, serious sex-bomb Mew :D


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dkBSLQGLro]YouTube - Behind the Photoshoot Mew Soundvenue[/ame]


Back in a bit..

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I don't know any details about his gf. :shrug: All I know is mostly about Jonas' lovelife, and from what I know of that, Jonas likes slightly younger women, tall with blonde hair. Bo likes brunettes, it seems. An old pic of his old gfs she had brown hair, and most recently called the woman on the cover of this cd:

can-01.jpg attractive.


I know he hit on an old MTV Scandinavia hostess KiKi something... :confused: NO clue what she looks like.


I know Silas dated a girl (maybe he still dates her) who dated a (tv/film?) producer in Denmark.

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Bo also thinks women in Italy are very beautiful. :thinking:



And I am naturally (since I last actually saw my real hair colour) am a brownish-blonde. Um, I'm letting my hair grow out to it's natural colour again just so I can know. I have been blond-ish for a while now, as well as been brunette. :shrug: So who knows...

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I'm happy, I think I look alright with both, but I can never go too dark. I can only have light brown hair or else it looks wrong. :confused:


*sigh* If only I were a 20-something natural dirty blonde Danish woman... Jonas would be mine. I mean, I already got the tall thing going for me. :P



ofc that'd ruin my chances with Silas Graae... :(


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