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Ozone hole reaches record size!!


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NASA reveals ozone hole is bigger than ever


Last updated at 13:02pm on 20th October 2006 commentIconSm.gif

The ozone hole over Antarctica is bigger and deeper than any other on record, a NASA satellite image has revealed.

The ozone layer shields Earth from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays, and the layer thins out over the South Pole each year, primarily because human-made compounds release ozone-eating chlorine and bromine gases into the stratosphere.

The hole covers almost the entire of the Antartic and is an average of 10.6million square miles.

However there is good news - concentrations of ozone-depleting chemicals in the lower atmosphere have been declining since 1995, and scientists estimate the ozone hole will be completely recovered by about 2065.


ozone06_468x484.jpgAbove: The area covered by the ozone hole. Below: The black spot shows where the ozone density has dropped below 220 Dobson units

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Shit happens...


shit happens when people care to do shit


because human-made compounds release ozone-eating chlorine and bromine gases into the stratosphere


this is exactly what happened, although as it was said the ozone depletion is not as huge problem as it was years ago, the solution to prevent the growing of the hole is found apparently


Oh dear..what will we do?



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It is a problem, but it is not that big a problem. As said in the article...the goodness chemicals are doin there job...and it "thins" out during this time of year...it obviously just ballooned a bit this time.

Sure this is something to be concerned about, but definately not something to be overly worried - just play your part in the world, try and make it a cleaner place.

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