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What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up?


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Tough, tough question!


Ever since I was young, I wanted to be a journalist... Then my ambitions changed briefly to interior designer, architect, pilot, Coldplay's backup guitarist, writer, politician... before it came back to journalist once again a few years ago once I entered uni. Then... THEN, my lecturer asked me two weeks ago if I'm interested in a lecturing job at the uni, and suddenly my whole world completely turned topsy turvy. Lecturing? HOW COME I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE??!? It seems like the perfect job for me! I get to travel, write, teach... Wee! I think I've found my dream job!:D


Now, I aspire to be a top lecturer who writes for newspapers and magazines every now and then.


What do YOU wanna be?

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Heh, pai!!!


When i was young

- artist/painter

- architect

- interior designer

- astronaut


When i was 12-13

- scientist <--- after i listen to 'The Scientist' :D



- don't want to think about it yet, maybe pharmacist?

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i hate to break up the little party rick and rudy are having, but...


i want to be a renowned film screenwriter/director when i grow up. the idea has been at the back of my mind since i was about 5, i would say, but only recently have i taken real steps toward this dream--before i always thought it was too impractical and unrealistic to pursue. but in the past year i've said "screw it" and am now at college (uni) to study film and the media despite the odds and impracticality. i'll even be ok if i never get to write or direct, but i need to work in the industry somehow, even if it's just in editing or effects or something. so there we go :D

my ultimate goal is to some day maybe get an oscar/golden globe nomination for something i've worked on in some form. kind of a lofty goal, eh? :P

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i hate to break up the little party rick and rudy are having, but...


i want to be a renowned film screenwriter/director when i grow up. the idea has been at the back of my mind since i was about 5, i would say, but only recently have i taken real steps toward this dream--before i always thought it was too impractical and unrealistic to pursue. but in the past year i've said "screw it" and am now at college (uni) to study film and the media despite the odds and impracticality. i'll even be ok if i never get to write or direct, but i need to work in the industry somehow, even if it's just in editing or effects or something. so there we go :D

my ultimate goal is to some day maybe get an oscar/golden globe nomination for something i've worked on in some form. kind of a lofty goal, eh? :P

I think that's a very cool goal.


If you ask me you've definitely made the right choice by pursuing your 'dream', however unlikely you might think it is to come true. Like you said, its getting into the industry that's the main thing. Once you've got you're foot in the door so to speak, then you've got a good chance of climbing the ranks if you're motivated enough. Heh, you probably know that already anyway :rolleyes:


I've always wanted to work in the entertainment industry (as in film, animation, video games), but I've never quite figured out what I want to do for sure. I'm doing a degree in Multimedia Tech & Design right now and its a very broad course, so it should give me an idea of what specific area is most appealing to me. Although being an arty kinda guy, the animation, editing and effects aspect of things is what I enjoy doing best. Last year I finished my Fine Art A Level course, and I think I was the only one in my year who included an animation in their final project. But then again I'm very much self taught with that kinda stuff.

So yeah basically I hope I'll be working on some big blockbuster movies in the special effects/ animation department sometime in the future, although that seems like a very distant reality right now. But I've got a few ideas for an animated film that I could start working on soon when I have the time, to help get noticed. You never know, we could both end up working on the same film one day ;)


Woah, rambling :shocked2:

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I think that's a very cool goal.


If you ask me you've definitely made the right choice by pursuing your 'dream', however unlikely you might think it is to come true. Like you said, its getting into the industry that's the main thing. Once you've got you're foot in the door so to speak, then you've got a good chance of climbing the ranks if you're motivated enough. Heh, you probably know that already anyway :rolleyes:


I've always wanted to work in the entertainment industry (as in film, animation, video games), but I've never quite figured out what I want to do for sure. I'm doing a degree in Multimedia Tech & Design right now and its a very broad course, so it should give me an idea of what specific area is most appealing to me. Although being an arty kinda guy, the animation, editing and effects aspect of things is what I enjoy doing best. Last year I finished my Fine Art A Level course, and I think I was the only one in my year who included an animation in their final project. But then again I'm very much self taught with that kinda stuff.

So yeah basically I hope I'll be working on some big blockbuster movies in the special effects/ animation department sometime in the future, although that seems like a very distant reality right now. But I've got a few ideas for an animated film that I could start working on soon when I have the time, to help get noticed. You never know, we could both end up working on the same film one day ;)


Woah, rambling :shocked2:


thanks, i'm beginning to believe all those things now as well :D. but i've decided in the past few months that i'm only going to quit working towards film if i end up destitute in a trailer outside of LA with an ancient laptop and have to steal wifi from the nearest starbucks. that might be a clear sign that it's not working out :laugh4:


and animation sounds awesome. if i was a better artist i would love to do that, but the only thing i can draw is a yellow submarine, so that's pretty much out. i think with the right training i could become somewhat competent at computer stuff, though.


we ought to combine our efforts, semy :P. and i'll see you on the set of a blockbuster movie someday :lol:

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