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David Fonseca


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David likes photography and cinema! I know why his videos are so good now.

he studied photography once he finished high school, i think.

yes they are :nice: i wonder how next will be :dance: so far i know it has been filmed in Leiria and he asked for some fans to appear :nice: he's so kind :blush:


i like those interviews, like for instance the one he gave to Publico (i think was that one) some weeks before i saw him in Leiria :cheesy: i think i posted it back then :thinking:


omg shame on me ! i did not know this thread about david :\ :embarassed:


I loved his new single, A Cry 4 Love :)

bad you didn't notice that one earlier, it has been posted a lot :p

(anyways is on my signature where says "stars" (for superstars song :nice: ) so you can always get to that thread easily from now on :)


i liked that one too :nice: although there's no a release date no name revealed yet, right? :thinking:


Afi (grids) who got into his music thanks to this thread didn't like that one much :\

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Aw i should be a curious girl :laugh4:because i never checked your links from sig llol


No news about the album, i guess :uhoh: at least from his twitter page, he has not talk about it.


Well i like it, but i read some comments from blitz page and people did not like that much too :\ they said it was very mainstream? you know what i mean?


My english can be really bad :embarassed:

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Aw i should be a curious girl :laugh4:because i never checked your links from sig llol


No news about the album, i guess :uhoh: at least from his twitter page, he has not talk about it.


Well i like it, but i read some comments from blitz page and people did not like that much too :\ they said it was very mainstream? you know what i mean?


My english can be really bad :embarassed:

bad you no checking it :p


i have not checked his twitter recently nor his board (i forgot my password :embarassed: )


very mainstream? i just see a good melody there, but yes i understand some people would say sound mainstream.... i haven't got much into Jeff Buckley work, but i don't know why that song remind me to his works, may be cause i know David like him and that was listening him recently when composing the new themes :thinking:


oh your english is fine claudia :hug:

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yay, great newsletter today :dance:


cry4love_still.jpg Bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite, onde quer que estejas!

A 4 dias da estreia do novo vídeo para "A Cry 4 Love", aqui fica o primeiro trailer desta nova aventura. Outros acontecimentos visuais e musicais irão acontecer antes da saída do disco, uma história que se irá completar aos poucos à medida que o disco se aproxima.

O meu site irá estrear o vídeo em primeira mão no dia 13 de Agosto, não percas. Se ainda não fizeste o download gratuito do novo single, ainda podes fazê-lo em http://www,davidfonseca.com .

Um grande abraço,


Text Translation:

good morning, afternoon, nigth, wherever you are.

4 days before the release of "A Cry 4 Love" new video i show you here the trailer of the first adventure.

More visual and musical events will appear before the album release, is a story that will be complete step by step until the album release gets closer.


My website will premiere the video next 13th august, don't miss it. If you have not yet downloaded the song for free you can yet do it here.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4uFoQZZo-c]YouTube - "A Cry 4 Love" - David Fonseca (official trailer)[/ame]

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ah i always kept that thread updated, did a lot of work on it. :)


now i can't wait to listen the whole album, i hope it'll be released in my country and that it'll mean he will bring here the DVD too, and of course more concerts :dance: he rocks live.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGgiavNYeFw]YouTube - David Fonseca - "A Cry 4 Love"[/ame]


great surprises there, the band is there, the fans (and i know some of them in person :wacko: i will always remember that last May :heart: awesome day in Leiria :cheesy: ) the only thing i would had changed is, i'd like it turned to colours at about the middle part or the end, but well.


btw once more the vid was done with Paulo Segadaes and was edited by David Fonseca himself.


btw some of his last tweets:



A meio da rodagem do video, tiramos uma foto de grupo...say cheese!



Eis o cenario a minha frente! E o vosso? Vamos la a disparar essas maquinas!!



Na pos-producao do video com o @filipecmonteiro, a meta aproxima-se! Estou quase na fase "OMG! OMG!".

^really that one made me :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

toy_piano.jpg Como muitos de vocês sabem, a Rita Redshoes faz parte da minha banda desde a minha estreia a solo em 2003. Em disco e ao vivo, percorreu comigo estes últimos 6 anos um pouco por todo o lado e colocou a sua magia criativa em todo esse percurso. Consciente desde o primeiro dia do seu talento musical, sempre soube que um dia a Rita teria de partir para outras aventuras e considero-me extremamente afortunado por toda a música que partilhámos durante este tempo.

Com o sucesso esperado do disco de estreia da Rita, tornou-se cada vez mais difícil a gestão das nossas agendas no último ano e percebemos que seria impossível continuar a nossa colaboração musical desta forma. Tenho a certeza que haverá ainda muita música para fazermos juntos, de outras formas e feitios.Tinha chegado esse momento, entre uma certa emoção lamechas e orgulho desmedido. Obrigado Rita, por tudo, esta casa será sempre tua!

Com a saída da Rita da minha banda de suporte, é altura para esta casa musical albergar um novo elemento. E, tal como em 2003, gostaria de abrir essa oportunidade a todos os interessados. Ou seja, vou fazer audições para descobrir onde andam os talentos deste Portugal que gostariam de ingressar numa família musical e fazer barulho por esse mundo fora.

Sem mais demoras, eis o que procuro: Músico do sexo feminino com domínio de piano e guitarra e que possa cantar connosco até que a voz lhe doa.

Às interessadas, terão de enviar os seguintes dados para [email protected] até ao dia 30 de Setembro :

1. curriculum vitae /percurso

2. influências musicais

3. um excerto de performance gravada em audio (mp3) ou um link audio/vídeo para uma performance que exista online (YouTube, MySpace, etc).

4. uma fotografia actual

5. Local de residência

Estou certo que existem muito talentos por esse país fora que gostariam juntar-se a este circo, o que estão à espera para enviar os vossos dados?

Um grande abraço,


:o omg omg

i'm going to miss Rita a lot, they did awesome duets as "Hold Still" :bigcry:



good luck Miss Redshoes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

finally we know the album title and release date :dance: i'm so happy




from his twitter:

"Between Waves" chega às lojas a 2 de Novembro :) Ui, o nervoso miudinho! Tudo aqui: http://tinyurl.com/yan86oo9:27 AM Oct 1st from web






:thinking: will the album be released in Spain too, how i'll can get the album then? :worried: :bigcry:

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  • 2 weeks later...

not yet? :o

i've posted it on the thread, check lastest pages :)


i checked The Gift and liked them ;) and many other bands (Hands on approach, Cla, Wraygunn...). and David's other bands (Silence 4 and Humanos), i even joined his board :wacko: and met him in person, but i was so :shy: to talk.


and sure on stage he is amazing, so energetic. :dance:


i hope i will :) yet the dvd has not been released here :(


so, how have you been? :nice: good to see you back :hug:

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