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Chris and Gwyenth who cares??


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At first i think people were interested in the whole Oh my god Gwyenth Paltrow is having a relationship with Chris Martin,yer i think alot of people were shocked and i hold my hands up and admit to calling her a bitch and a slag etc...

Now i just find the newspapers very boring when they write about oh they r going to get married or she`s getting on her scooter oh won`t Chris be proud,why can`t they talk about something decent for a change like there next album or new material.

I think now people should just leave them be they are just to normal people in love trying to get on with their lifes.

Why do you think when Chris gets asked a question about Gwyenth he either says no comment or tryes to change the subject? because alot of people now are gettin annoyed with all the press and i think its affecting Chris`s relationship within the band

I hope most of you agree with some of the points i have typed about.

luv Kirsten




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exactly! the newspaper coverage of Gwyneth and 'Chris from the British band Coldplay' is just annoying now! I mean who cares if Gwyneth drives a scooter?? :shock:

I'm happy to read any stuff about COLDPLAY, but sadly, the band seems to have taken a back seat in relation to Chris' relationship with Gwyneth. I mean in tabloids, this attitude is not one I share personally!

For heavens sakes just leave the pair of them alone and print articles on the talent that is Coldplay :)

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i used to care about all that crap but now its just boring and i do not care...i hate chris getting all the attention tho :?


I think that's a little unfair Chris has always got all the attention even before Gwyneth, before they had Gwyn to write about they were writing about his virginity, his public-school background, his geekiness and his tee-total ways. He's the frontman, he's the one who stands at the front of the stage and sings, the one who does 99% of the interviews, that's the way it works. The same way Bono, Thom, Dave Grohl and get most of the attention, if you're not a huge, avid fan of these bands you don't really wanna read about the bassist or drummer. I know I'd rather read an article on Noel Gallagher than Tony McCaroll. In interviews I've seen with Guy, Jonny and Will they've all said they like the fact that they don't get hassled, are hardly recognised and can retain their anominity. The reason the papers don't write about the other members of the band is the simple (and harsh) fact, that other than us coldplayers, no-one cares.

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i used to care about all that crap but now its just boring and i do not care...i hate chris getting all the attention tho :?


I think that's a little unfair Chris has always got all the attention even before Gwyneth, before they had Gwyn to write about they were writing about his virginity, his public-school background, his geekiness and his tee-total ways. He's the frontman, he's the one who stands at the front of the stage and sings, the one who does 99% of the interviews, that's the way it works. The same way Bono, Thom, Dave Grohl and get most of the attention, if you're not a huge, avid fan of these bands you don't really wanna read about the bassist or drummer. I know I'd rather read an article on Noel Gallagher than Tony McCaroll. In interviews I've seen with Guy, Jonny and Will they've all said they like the fact that they don't get hassled, are hardly recognised and can retain their anominity. The reason the papers don't write about the other members of the band is the simple (and harsh) fact, that other than us coldplayers, no-one cares.


I think your absolutely right! no one cares for the other band members because all they really see is chris. but the fans know the whole band and appreciate all of them. it's just that they don't want guy, jonny or will talking cause people will be like who the hell are you and change the channel or throw out the magazine or whatever. the media is trying to please the public. they're just not trying to please the people who actually care....the people like us who actually listen to their music and love them for who they all are!

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This kind of press is not musical, you know, it's only for gossip and, being sincere, Chris and Gwyneth are a good couple for these journalists.

But it's true that all this stuff could affect the band. But the guys are intelligent and I hope they could divide the musical and the gossip way. And Chris has always been the frontman, all the attention has gone to him. But, yeah, now is annoying...

We all hope they're together like a band for soooooo long... :roll:

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I agree with you' date=' nadine. I think they're a nice couple and I love them both. But its true that all this mess could affected them[/quote']


I don't think it has affected them too much though, all the interviews and photographs I've seen recently the guys seem happy and content. I think it would probably cheese them off if Chris was saying 'Gwyneth this and Gwyneth that' in interviews but he. doesn't. In fact they are known for being the most private couple in 'showbiz', if they were behaving like Jennifer&Bennifer then there would be trouble, but as it stands I think the band are comfortable. *she says whilst crossing the fingers on her left hand and grabbing for the nearest piece of wood with her right*

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i used to care about all that crap but now its just boring and i do not care...i hate chris getting all the attention tho :?


I think that's a little unfair Chris has always got all the attention even before Gwyneth, before they had Gwyn to write about they were writing about his virginity, his public-school background, his geekiness and his tee-total ways. He's the frontman, he's the one who stands at the front of the stage and sings, the one who does 99% of the interviews, that's the way it works. The same way Bono, Thom, Dave Grohl and get most of the attention, if you're not a huge, avid fan of these bands you don't really wanna read about the bassist or drummer. I know I'd rather read an article on Noel Gallagher than Tony McCaroll. In interviews I've seen with Guy, Jonny and Will they've all said they like the fact that they don't get hassled, are hardly recognised and can retain their anominity. The reason the papers don't write about the other members of the band is the simple (and harsh) fact, that other than us coldplayers, no-one cares.



while it may be true that Chris has always had the most attention, I sincerely do NOT believe he would have been in 'Heat' magazine if he hadn't been dating Gwyneth!

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I think that, maybe, all the press stuff could affect the relationship of Chris and Gwyn. It's true that they're are very private but, for this reason, the journalists need to get stuff about them. You know, all the papparazzi at their home's door and something like that.

I'm not sure to explaining very well, mmmmmh :?

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I think that Gwen did have an affect on how people looked at the band.

eg That dude from oasis called chris "like a geography teacher" and Gwen as a "gawky bird". Stuff like that is just mean!


Oasis - huh? :shrug:


Anyways I dont think It has affected the band and Chris has dealt with the media very well as he understands the feelings of the other band members and taht Coldplay is a group nothing else. :D

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