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German tickets + new pic


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I just received an email from eventim.de:




"Lieber eventim.de-Kunde,

Sie haben sich für den Coldplay-Ticketalarm registriert. Diesen Mittwoch ist es soweit:



"Viva La Vida"-Tour


Gute Nachrichten für alle Coldplay-Fans! Die Band um Sänger Chris Martin bringt im Juni ihr neues Album mit dem Titel "Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends" heraus. Im Herbst folgt die langerwartete Tournee, die Coldplay endlich wieder nach Deutschland führt!


Sie als Ticketalarm-Registrierter haben bereits ab Mittwoch, 28.05.08, 9 Uhr, die Möglichkeit sich die begehrten Tickets verbindlich zu reservieren - natürlich nur hier bei eventim.de!


Coldplay live in Deutschland - das dürfen Sie auf keinen Fall verpassen!



Erleben Sie Coldplay live!


Verbindliche Reservierung bei eventim.de ab Mittwoch, 28.05.08, 9 Uhr!


Die Termine werden in Kürze bekannt gegeben!"






It says that, we will be able to reserve tickets on 28.05.08 at 9 hour, If I'm not completely wrong.


But we dont even know the other european dates. Do we???


Anyway, there is a new picture too:


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I also received this e-mail from eventim.de some minutes ago. It seems that they will mention the dates either this evening or tomorrow morning! :)


Great that everyone who got a message is able to pre-order tickets. :)


Cannot wait!!!!

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This is so not true.. all that european dates.


Everywhere I see people that wants to get tickets for The Netherlands in 2008.

Also for French and spain tickets.


But it simply can't be true.


They have a American tour then.. and didn't they told us that they'll do an EUROPEAN tour after the America one?:)

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I'm affraid it is not true..


The Cologne date on September 12th is definitely true!! I heard the announcment with my own ears.

Einslive presented the X&Y-Gig in Oberhausen and a secret gig in Cologne just before X&Y was released. I think this is some very reliable source. It's one of the biggest radiostations in Germany.

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I'm affraid it is not true..


Because the dates are pretty weird..

Why didnt we know before?


On the site they have nothing about it,, and then already they selling tickets?

No sounds fake to me. :confused:


eventim.de is VERY reliable.:)

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The Cologne date on September 12th is definitly true!! I heard the announcment with my own ears.

Einslive presented the X&Y-Gig in Oberhausen and a secret gig in Cologne just before X&Y was released. I think this is some very reliable source. It's one of the biggest radiostations in Germany.


So someone from Coldplay said it to you?

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I also think the dates are right, because all dates are in September when Coldplay won't perform in the United Staes or elsewhere. N-Joy radio belongs to the NDR which is part of the ARD (similar to BBC in England) as well.


Possible dates for Germany so far:


September 2nd: Mannheim

September 12th: Cologne

September 14th: Hamburg

September 15th: Berlin

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here are the complete german dates


02.09.08 Mannheim - SAP Arena

12.09.08 Köln - Kölnarena

14.09.08 Hamburg - Color Line Arena

15.09.08 Berlin - O2 World

26.09.08 München - Olympiahalle



Got tickets for Hamburg and Berlin. I am so happy now!

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