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Holy Moley! mc_stunned!


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Wow... Mark's back for 5 minutes and he's already posting about drunk people being stupid in the news section. The really surprising thing being that I'm surprised at all. :rolleyes::P


Welcome back. Hope the wormhole led somewhere interesting.

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Wow... Mark's back for 5 minutes and he's already posting about drunk people being stupid in the news section. The really surprising thing being that I'm surprised at all. :rolleyes::P


Welcome back. Hope the wormhole led somewhere interesting.


Looks like someone might have changed their username in my absence................... :rolleyes:

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I've been away hunting human worms, you know....................... :rolleyes:
awwwww! which holes were they in?


I didn't know that was your special name for Rolle.
hahahaha :laugh4:


Now you've unveiled his secret. :rolleyes:

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I didn't know that was your special name for Rolle.





Briggs! I thought i could trust you!







this board sucks






















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Sorry, I couldn't resist.



Hahah that smiley reminds me of marek for some reason!



edit: noo, don't get it wrong, okay :uhoh:?

I'm just saying that he used to use that a lot here, didn't he?

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Hahah that smiley reminds me of marek for some reason!



edit: noo, don't get it wrong, okay :uhoh:?

I'm just saying that he used to use that a lot here, didn't he?





Reg and Marek, the best couple ever.

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Reg and Marek, the best couple ever.


I didn't want to make it sound too obvious but yeah, they were the ones i was talking about hahah.


But hey, it was cute too every once in a while. Between the "hey, how're you doing" lines :nice:

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They were cyber dating, right?:lol:


I left the board for a few months back then and when i came back they were insulting each other and i still don't know why haha


Don't tell me reg found mareko having hot action with rolle an that's why they broke up :o

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The ones in the cave beneath your house.;)
Oooh, I'm afraid you were digging under the wrong house then! A few kilometres up north and west and you'd be there!


haha, I remember I came back from camp one summer and my thread was just full of their little love talk hahahah. Priceless. Especially when tehy would get mad and swear at other people.
really? I want the link to it.:veryangry2:
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