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what??? you speak spanish as well but you don't think we can? that's why we speak english.. too bad cause it's beautifull


anything close?


edit Heyyy Mani's here!


did you just google that ? :P (jk)


and it is close. I just said that I do speak Spanish a bit but I dont think I speak it very well, and that's why I do love English more. shit! that was bad [what I just tried to say]


hello Mani ! how you doing ? :) how's Canada at this time of the day ?

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OMG no I didn't! i just guessed hahaha

I just though you'd speak it better since you'll be studing it... and does muy malo really mean bad? cause there's a dutch clothing brand for children called muy malo... I just though it would mean something fun since they're clothes are so colourfull

Je parle un petit peu de Francais, mais je parle Anglais tres bien, Mani tu Parles Francais aussi?

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Chavi.. Canada's good.. boring.. weather's mellow.. sun's covered by the clouds.. sittin at home


Carlaatje.. im good good, tired! The weekends been busy.. pretty hectic.. so much going on.. parties.. drama! mom's ill.. boys are stupid :rolleyes:


P.S: I just described this like depressing day to you Chavi.. and i just looked out the window and all of a sudden the sun came out!! Scary ! :stunned:

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OMG no I didn't! i just guessed hahaha

I just though you'd speak it better since you'll be studing it... and does muy malo really mean bad? cause there's a dutch clothing brand for children called muy malo... I just though it would mean something fun since they're clothes are so colourfull

Je parle un petit peu de Francais, mais je parle Anglais tres bien, Mani tu Parles Francais aussi?


:dead: I just died of the thought of Guy telling me that last sentence ! :dead:


yeah muy malo means very bad.. it could mean something perharps, I dont know!

and actually I do speak spanish very well but I'm too modest :smug: haha ! kidding :disappointed:


Chavi.. Canada's good.. boring.. weather's mellow.. sun's covered by the clouds.. sittin at home


Carlaatje.. im good good, tired! The weekends been busy.. pretty hectic.. so much going on.. parties.. drama! mom's ill.. boys are stupid :rolleyes:


P.S: I just described this like depressing day to you Chavi.. and i just looked out the window and all of a sudden the sun came out!! Scary ! :stunned:


Magic !! :P

tell us more! drama ?? I like dramas.. to be honest I love gossips :P

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Hey.. i changed my mind :rolleyes:


Im back! Sorry.. im all over the road today.. my emotions are at a high!


I feel bad venting though.. I've always been that person that lets it bottle up inside.. i hate ruining a happy mood with a depressing story.. but i think i'll give it a shot! Its gonna be a long one! :embarassed:

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Okay.. the guy story is more interesting.. and less depressing! So i'll go for that one.. And i'll try and shorten it as much as i can without sparing the 'fun' details ! :D


First of all, I come from a big family, with a lot of uncles, aunts and cousins. We are all very close, and i am the youngest of all 26 of my cousins, so im treated like a baby. The guy in the story is a family friend, both our families know each other. My parents know his parents, through my uncle (Dad's brother). This year was a very exciting year for my family because there were 4 marriages (including my sisters, and 3 of my cousins).


Now, the guy is 2-3 years older than me, and hes really tight with my guy cousins that are also his age. He was on my msn.. and we like would have random conversations because we had like similiar taste's in music.. but thats about it.. Then i saw him at my cousins engagement in January.. and uh it was quite the experience! We both actually hit it off! We had a really good time, and it was just pure fun. As wrong as it is, I was just having a good time you know, like.. he was kind of like my 'party boy' you kno what i mean? That you just have a good time with.. and we def had fun. By the end of the night, he was a little wasted.. and... he took one of the centerpieces and during a very cheesy Indian song.. went down on one knee, and grabbed my hand, as if he was proposing with the centerpiece :embarassed:


I'll let you read that much for now.. ahah.. thats probably like not even 1/4 of the story.. i TOLD you it was long :embarassed:

PLZ be frank, if its too much to read or boring !

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Ahaha thanks..


Alright, so that was a pretty good night. At this point i didnt really like him, it was just you know having a good time you know, like nothing serious.. but obv, after like you have a night like that, you tell all your friends and it kinda does become something you know what i mean? We did get closer, talked a bit more on msn.. not like best friends or anything like that.. just once in a while.


So the next time i saw him was at my sisters wedding & reception. Obviously you know like i was busy that day, and as conceited as it sounds.. it was MY sisters reception you know like.. everybodys eyes were on me and her and my family. He was being extremely nice.. but he kept on like dancing me and pulling me out of the crowd, etc, etc.. and i didnt mean to rub him off.. but i was because i didnt want people to like see and start assuming things. I felt REALLY bad.. like, he was lik 'whats wrong?' and i said, 'oh no, its just hard you know. She (my sister) is leaving.' and hes like 'Its her wedding, cheer up!' While im like being all mellow....


So after that day, i felt kinda bad.. we were still the same like alright on msn, talked a little less.. but honestly i never really payed attention to like the way we were with each other at that point in time!


Almost half way there :o!

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Well.. okay now im really gonna cut it down! Basically over the summer i saw him a few times through one of my cousins wedding functions! And we were pretty close and we would joke around and talk and stuff! He played guitar and ahah he mentioned the centerpiece incident and stuff.. it seemed like he was into me..


Then at the actual reception when it was like party time.. there was like NOTHING. we barely danced togther.. he was with the other older crew.. and obv they had a good time and what not.. but i was like :confused: And, as bad as it sounds.. like nothing happened with him and other girls, but obviously like he talked and danced with other girls.. and in all honestly, i didnt really like it :rolleyes:


So after that day.. i was like really confused because i dont know what the hell is happening, and i realised that i actually do kinda care, and its not all really fun and games anymore?


Then i saw him at a house party yesturday.. and it was similiar situation.. we were really tight and hanging at the beginning, but then later on in the night he hung with the other crew.. I dont know.. i feel so stupid too, because like im all shy and nervous.. and we're having a conversation, and im like staring at everything but him because i was all freaked out. And then we were talking about Coldplay i think and i was telling him about the concert and hes lik how was it.. and im like 'it was good.. it was really really really really good. yeah thats all i can basically say, it was just SOO good' and hes lik 'that sounds good.. i've heard it was great'.. 'yeah it good. -----' (LIKE WTF?! I know theres other words besides 'good' in this world!)


Ugh.. and answering your questions Chavi.. i dont really know what i want.. like i dont even know if i want something to happen, but if i dont than what the hell is going on?! AND hypothetically if something DID happen, it would have to be serious because we're family friend, and i'd see him at like every family party i went too.. !! UGHH


I'll be seeing him in two weeks at the actual wedding and reception.


Sorry for the long sega! THANKS SO MUCH for listening!! Sorry :embarassed:

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AND AND.. see wait i forgot to mention.. its not all his fault though.. because whenever he does talk to me im always kinda like freaked out.. or im thinking that i cant ditch my cousin to hang with him so.. so sometimes i do kind of leave him hanging, so you cant blame him for like leaving, but at the same time, like i dont do it on purpose


But, maybe im giving him the benefit of the doubt? I DONT KNOW. :veryangry:

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oh I can see how it gets a bit complicated as he's a family friend.. you cant fuck up!

but what if it works :P

He seems like a great guy. Plus, he knows your family so you can skip the part where you're getting nervous introducing him to them. Haha !

but then it's hard to give advice when we dont really know how he feels or what you want..

Hope you'll sort this out. and I guess we'll know a bit more about it all in two weeks !

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you know... I suckl at boy things but I always think to myself why can't we just be upstraight and honest with eachother you know just say:

dud when ever you talk to me I just slam shut... but I don't want to.. or I wanna ditch my cousin to hang with you but that's not fair stuff like that.... get what I;m saying?


I just realised that foundaitions from kate nash is very relevant to my relationship right now...

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^ Yeah, i always plan on being more straight up and putting myself out there.. but I either do and look stupd or just dont..


Like, at one of the weddings he was sitting alone so i went and i wa slik yo you know why are you sitting alone, etc etc.. and he was like come sit.. and the idiot i am, i go, 'Oh.. no.. im sitting up there in the front.. but the guys are all over there..'




Thanks for your advice guys!

(P.S: Sorry im kind of on and off, moms quite ill, so trying to take care of her as well)

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