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Is this what i think it is? :(


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Martin followed the news about the EP with the announcement that Coldplay's fifth studio album will be ready "by November 2009 to end the decade." After that record comes out, Martin said the band might lay low for a while: "And then we're gonna be 'Whooosh!' 'Where've they gone?' Just like Keyser Söze."


Someone pllleeeaase tell me that thats going to be their LAST LP? to me it sounds like they might be ending early. im soooo scared. theyre too young

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Martin followed the news about the EP with the announcement that Coldplay's fifth studio album will be ready "by November 2009 to end the decade." After that record comes out, Martin said the band might lay low for a while: "And then we're gonna be 'Whooosh!' 'Where've they gone?' Just like Keyser Söze."


Someone pllleeeaase tell me that thats going to be their LAST LP? to me it sounds like they might be ending early. im soooo scared. theyre too young


This is from the radio interview they did recently, right? I didn't hear the interview but read the above the other day in some web news thing and it made me laugh.... 'Whooosh!' 'Where've they gone?' Just like Keyser Söze." Do you think when Chris left the radio studio he twisted his hand, changed his walk, put on some shades and lit up a cig? :laugh3:

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