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rudy_o thread


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Everything's fine. I feel pretty much relaxed, not so many things are going on so far.


Maybe it's because I don't take as many subjects as the last semester.

Well it's good to not be so stressed out. I know one semester I took sailing. Greatest thing ever! Every Friday we went sailing for 3 hours. And on weekends our instructor would invite us to "work" as race crew on his or his friend's big racing sail boats. I was taking Microbiology, English Lit, and a suckie math class that semester. so it was a nice change.
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Microbiology? Sailing?


COOLNESS! I wish my college offers variety of courses like what you have taken!


I only have lame courses as options. :dozey: The most interesting ones would be Art Appreciation and Music Appreciation, other than those two are all boring course eg Math, Linguistics and Science stuffs.

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I was going to take taekwondo, but it was full so I went with sailing. I convinced this guy in my Micro class and this girl I worked with to take it with me. The school owned 2 sail boats. The class we divided into two groups of 4 people in each group. We picked this guy who worked at a liquor store to join our group. :P We would show up at the boat about an hour before class started, to get the boat ready.......aka stash beer on board. Then our instructor, who lived out at the marina would meet everyone dock side and tell us to go out on the lake a sail around for 3 hours and then come back in. Our group were better sailors than the other group, so we would always make it out onto the lake faster and get way far away from them. Spent that semester drinking beer and working on my tan for college credit. :D

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Oh, what class are you taking? :nice:

I'm fine, just hungry. :dead:


Projects... it's like you have to think of how to start a company and decide if it's gonna be good or not based on incomes and expenses and all that accounting stuff :P


Carla! Celsie! :awesome:


Picco! :wacko:

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