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Harry Potter...


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Harry Potter's awesome. I'm a Harry Potter fan, but feel kinda weird reading it cuz i'm 16...so old. Well it's not my favorite book in the world but i have to say JK Rolling has one hell of an imagination!


Trust me, in the HP fandom you'd be considered pretty young. I'm a huge HP fan, along with 30,000 other fans at FictionAlley Park: http://www.fictionalley.org/fictionalleypark/forums/index.php?s=. I don't like the movies, but Tom Riddle was very, very hot.

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That had to be said twice. :D I was very glad to learn he's my age, he's not jailbait! :wink3: I dunno if y'all know, but he's got a website: http://www.seanbiggerstaff.com


And as for the books, well, I've read each book half a dozen to a dozen times apiece and I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried very messily at the end of the fifth. :bigcry: However, I am slightly embaressed to say that I wore a Nimbus 2000 t-shirt when I went to see the first movie. :rolleyes:

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