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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Okay, just a quick, easy, short story! It's this one piece.

Hope you enjoy;)





No one knew about it but there was nothing that Chris loved more to do than dressing up Barbie dolls.


He had an excuse now because he had a daughter but that wasn’t enough for him. He needed more quality time with those wonderful dolls. Apple would get tired of them and play with Moses who only allowed action figures to be a part of his playtime.


So, surreptitiously and carefully, Chris would hide his favorite Barbie and play with her while Gwyneth took the kids out for a shopping trip or a casual walk after she came home from work.


But now it was getting difficult to hide.


Apple no longer played with the plastic dolls and his wife decided to put them on a box and give them to an institution for abandoned children. Everything would be fine if she didn’t know the number of dolls her daughter owned. And the excuse of her losing one while playing was not feasible. She always kept count of them.


So, as the departure of his favorite Barbie was approaching inevitably, he decided to put her on his jacket one day and take her out with him so that they could say their goodbyes.


Walking down the streets of London, Chris whispered to his doll “showing” her the beautiful city.


“Look, Sally! There’s the shop where I first saw you. It was a magnificent day. The sun was more yellow than I’ve ever seen. And there you here, on display, looking perfect. You had a power over me immediately.”


He carried on, walking distractedly through masses of people. He wore a cap and sunglasses so he wasn’t too much exposed.


Heading to The Bakery, he stopped at a few spots that he wanted Sally to see.


An hour later, he arrived at the studio with a sad look on his face. He knew today no one was here so there wouldn’t be a problem with him getting caught.


“Oh, little Sally! This is it… The last stop. I just wanted to say thank you for the time we had together. You were always the best Barbie doll.” He said, getting choked up, tears forming in his eyes and threatening to fall. “This is where I work, you know?” He kept talking, unaware of another person entering the room he was in.


Jonny had forgotten his jacket the night before and came to retrieve it. The moment he stepped in The Bakery, he knew somebody was there. The door was unlocked and a voice kept talking in a high-pitched tone. It was Chris. Who was he talking to?


He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his best friend talking to… a Barbie doll! Rapidly, he grabbed his phone and decided to save this moment on video.


“I will miss you but don’t worry, I’m going to make a song for you. But I’ll have to dedicate to someone else, okay? Just so that no one suspects anything. But we’ll know it’s for you.”


Next thing he knew he was holding the doll as if he was hugging her.


Jonny decided to stop recording then and sent it straight away to Guy, Will and Phil, leaving the studio quietly so that Chris wouldn’t know he was here.


Beep Beep.


Phil: “A message from Jonny? Let me see…. Oh my God! This is so going to Youtube”, he laughed loudly.


Will: “Oh, no! After all these years and all the work, he is killing the band!”


Guy: “I knew it! He plays with Barbies too!”






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Hey, how's everybody going?


well, now I'm convinced that I should quit school :P, because then I'd have enough time for this wonderful and AWESOME thread. :smug:










that's ok, there's a lot of fanfics on here to read and sometimes i'll even skip over some and then read them later.

here are all the parts :):

part 1 and 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

part 8

part 9

part 10


Oh thank you sooooo much! I'll try to catch up. :)



Guys, I was thinking...

Everyone should save their fanfics. Emma (Cobalt) used to update the list, but I don't think she is anymore. So you should save a copy of your fics to your computers. Just so we have them ready if we need them. :D


:sneaky: I already saved almost every story. I'll just have to complete some stories and maybe those which Cobalt (Emma) collected and those from the beginning of the thread, but I don't really have time to look for them, because I've got to be uptodate and this thread is growing so incredible fast.

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Well, I had a little debate in my head :gossip: and finally decided this is the ending. I don't want to strecht it so I thought this would be fitting. I may write other stories, I don't know, it depends on the inspiration, right? :)



I Will Try To Fix You





Chapter 6



Everything that happened afterwards was a blur.


The woman stopped to drink some water and rest on a bench near his. He contemplated going over to her but he just didn’t have the guts to do it. He didn’t want to face the prospect of rejection at this point. But at the same time, he felt enticed by her. She seemed quiet and at peace with herself and that amazed him. Confidence exuded from her in a natural way.

Somehow, after debating the pros and cons, he felt ready to try. Come on, it’s just a woman! He thought to himself.


Next thing he knew he was approaching her, talking to her and getting her number. Only after going away he didn’t realize he didn’t know her name.



The months passed by in a rush.


The tour was over, they were back in the studio, Nico was with him and therapy was finally having its effects. It was a constant learning process. He knew he almost hit rock bottom and he still carried some of the wounds that only time would heal. But he felt grateful. For his friends and family, for his work, but also for the arrival of someone he had come to love over the last few months. It was crazy, looking back on it. She came into his life at a time when he had nothing but problems to deal with. Depression was not something that could be seen as attractive so he was surprised when their first date was not a disaster. And he was even more surprised that ever since that day she was by his side.


She was more than anything the friend he could count on, someone that helped him through the difficulties, determined to get him through the sadness he was living in. It was her that brushed away his tears, that comforted him, that embraced his imperfections and that patiently led him to a better place.



One day, Guy was talking to Chris about a new song and all of a sudden he asked his mate.


“When did you realize you were in love?”


Chris knew he was referring to his wife.


“Well, the moment I became aware that her happiness was all I needed to be happy. She was going through a bad time when I met her and I tried to help her, I tried to put a smile on her face.” He paused. “And I remember the first time I did it. It was that moment.” He said, his voice soft and his gaze fixed on his wedding ring, a small smile gracing his face.


“Did you ever question it?”


“No, there’s nothing to question. Even if you feel unsure or doubtful, you know deep down when you love someone. It’s that butterfly feeling in your stomach and the strange conscience that your only ambition is to be with that person through thick and thin.”


Chris’s words were etched in his mind ever since that conversation. He knew his friend was a romantic and could be really cheesy at times but the certainty in his voice was what awed him the most. The way he talked was so truthful and heartfelt that rendered Guy speechless.


Later, he realized that was exactly what was happening to him at that very moment.






That was her name.


She was the turning point in his life. The mental chaos he lived in before slowly but surely faded away, allowing him to finally move on. And she was there every step of the way.


He couldn’t understand how someone could be so selfless, so loving, and for him, that was the ultimate proof that she was the one who truly fixed him.




awww!! :D


Okay, just a quick, easy, short story! It's this one piece.

Hope you enjoy;)





No one knew about it but there was nothing that Chris loved more to do than dressing up Barbie dolls.


He had an excuse now because he had a daughter but that wasn’t enough for him. He needed more quality time with those wonderful dolls. Apple would get tired of them and play with Moses who only allowed action figures to be a part of his playtime.


So, surreptitiously and carefully, Chris would hide his favorite Barbie and play with her while Gwyneth took the kids out for a shopping trip or a casual walk after she came home from work.


But now it was getting difficult to hide.


Apple no longer played with the plastic dolls and his wife decided to put them on a box and give them to an institution for abandoned children. Everything would be fine if she didn’t know the number of dolls her daughter owned. And the excuse of her losing one while playing was not feasible. She always kept count of them.


So, as the departure of his favorite Barbie was approaching inevitably, he decided to put her on his jacket one day and take her out with him so that they could say their goodbyes.


Walking down the streets of London, Chris whispered to his doll “showing” her the beautiful city.


“Look, Sally! There’s the shop where I first saw you. It was a magnificent day. The sun was more yellow than I’ve ever seen. And there you here, on display, looking perfect. You had a power over me immediately.”


He carried on, walking distractedly through masses of people. He wore a cap and sunglasses so he wasn’t too much exposed.


Heading to The Bakery, he stopped at a few spots that he wanted Sally to see.


An hour later, he arrived at the studio with a sad look on his face. He knew today no one was here so there wouldn’t be a problem with him getting caught.


“Oh, little Sally! This is it… The last stop. I just wanted to say thank you for the time we had together. You were always the best Barbie doll.” He said, getting choked up, tears forming in his eyes and threatening to fall. “This is where I work, you know?” He kept talking, unaware of another person entering the room he was in.


Jonny had forgotten his jacket the night before and came to retrieve it. The moment he stepped in The Bakery, he knew somebody was there. The door was unlocked and a voice kept talking in a high-pitched tone. It was Chris. Who was he talking to?


He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his best friend talking to… a Barbie doll! Rapidly, he grabbed his phone and decided to save this moment on video.


“I will miss you but don’t worry, I’m going to make a song for you. But I’ll have to dedicate to someone else, okay? Just so that no one suspects anything. But we’ll know it’s for you.”


Next thing he knew he was holding the doll as if he was hugging her.


Jonny decided to stop recording then and sent it straight away to Guy, Will and Phil, leaving the studio quietly so that Chris wouldn’t know he was here.


Beep Beep.


Phil: “A message from Jonny? Let me see…. Oh my God! This is so going to Youtube”, he laughed loudly.


Will: “Oh, no! After all these years and all the work, he is killing the band!”


Guy: “I knew it! He plays with Barbies too!”







"He plays with Barbies too" ? so maybe Guy has some Barbies Chris can play with. :P

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Okay, So Chapter 4 is just going to stay in 2 parts :P lol Heres Chapter 5....Its still short and sucky...lol






Chapter 5


Chris’s PoV


“Is he still not answering?” Will asked me as I hung up the phone. I shook my head and looked down. What the hell is going on? Guy was fine all night, then all of a sudden he became so detached. And abruptly left.


“ Should we go and see if he is home?” I asked Will.


“No, If he is not answering his phone, then he won’t answer the door. Besides, he will call us back when he feels better.” Will said tiredly. How can he be so calm about this?


“Will! Our friend left last night, with no explanation, no warning! And we haven’t seen or heard from him since!” I was practically yelling at him, but I didn’t care. “Don’t you care? He didn’t look sick, he just looked upset. Something is wrong.”


That made him angry. “Of course I care! But pestering him isn’t going to help! He wants to be alone.” By the end of his sentence he calmed himself slightly. “Look, I am worried too. Lets give him a little time, and if he still isnt making any contact we will go to him. Okay?” He put his hand on my shoulder. “I know you like to fix things right away Chris, but some things take time.” I know his speech was meant to make me feel better, but it didn’t. I didn’t want to give Guy time. I wanted to be around him more than I ever have before. When I kissed him last night, at first it was just me being silly but during the kiss I felt something more than friendship. Was it my feelings or his? I felt so confused, I had no idea what to do. One thing I was sure of was that I needed to talk to Guy, I need to figure this out before I go mental.


“ I am going to go take a walk.” I got up, looked at Will and smiled. He was reading and wasn’t really paying attention.


“Okay, see you later.” He didn’t bother glancing up. I technically didn’t lie to Will. I was going for a walk. I just had a certain destination in mind. I didn’t care that Guy wanted to be alone. I need to talk to him now, I can’t wait any longer. I want to know if he feels for me the way I think I feel for him.


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Well, I had a little debate in my head :gossip: and finally decided this is the ending. I don't want to strecht it so I thought this would be fitting. I may write other stories, I don't know, it depends on the inspiration, right? :)



I Will Try To Fix You





Chapter 6



Everything that happened afterwards was a blur.


The woman stopped to drink some water and rest on a bench near his. He contemplated going over to her but he just didn’t have the guts to do it. He didn’t want to face the prospect of rejection at this point. But at the same time, he felt enticed by her. She seemed quiet and at peace with herself and that amazed him. Confidence exuded from her in a natural way.

Somehow, after debating the pros and cons, he felt ready to try. Come on, it’s just a woman! He thought to himself.


Next thing he knew he was approaching her, talking to her and getting her number. Only after going away he didn’t realize he didn’t know her name.



The months passed by in a rush.


The tour was over, they were back in the studio, Nico was with him and therapy was finally having its effects. It was a constant learning process. He knew he almost hit rock bottom and he still carried some of the wounds that only time would heal. But he felt grateful. For his friends and family, for his work, but also for the arrival of someone he had come to love over the last few months. It was crazy, looking back on it. She came into his life at a time when he had nothing but problems to deal with. Depression was not something that could be seen as attractive so he was surprised when their first date was not a disaster. And he was even more surprised that ever since that day she was by his side.


She was more than anything the friend he could count on, someone that helped him through the difficulties, determined to get him through the sadness he was living in. It was her that brushed away his tears, that comforted him, that embraced his imperfections and that patiently led him to a better place.



One day, Guy was talking to Chris about a new song and all of a sudden he asked his mate.


“When did you realize you were in love?”


Chris knew he was referring to his wife.


“Well, the moment I became aware that her happiness was all I needed to be happy. She was going through a bad time when I met her and I tried to help her, I tried to put a smile on her face.” He paused. “And I remember the first time I did it. It was that moment.” He said, his voice soft and his gaze fixed on his wedding ring, a small smile gracing his face.


“Did you ever question it?”


“No, there’s nothing to question. Even if you feel unsure or doubtful, you know deep down when you love someone. It’s that butterfly feeling in your stomach and the strange conscience that your only ambition is to be with that person through thick and thin.”


Chris’s words were etched in his mind ever since that conversation. He knew his friend was a romantic and could be really cheesy at times but the certainty in his voice was what awed him the most. The way he talked was so truthful and heartfelt that rendered Guy speechless.


Later, he realized that was exactly what was happening to him at that very moment.






That was her name.


She was the turning point in his life. The mental chaos he lived in before slowly but surely faded away, allowing him to finally move on. And she was there every step of the way.


He couldn’t understand how someone could be so selfless, so loving, and for him, that was the ultimate proof that she was the one who truly fixed him.





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Okay, So Chapter 4 is just going to stay in 2 parts :P lol Heres Chapter 5....Its still short and sucky...lol






Chapter 5


Chris’s PoV


“Is he still not answering?” Will asked me as I hung up the phone. I shook my head and looked down. What the hell is going on? Guy was fine all night, then all of a sudden he became so detached. And abruptly left.


“ Should we go and see if he is home?” I asked Will.


“No, If he is not answering his phone, then he won’t answer the door. Besides, he will call us back when he feels better.” Will said tiredly. How can he be so calm about this?


“Will! Our friend left last night, with no explanation, no warning! And we haven’t seen or heard from him since!” I was practically yelling at him, but I didn’t care. “Don’t you care? He didn’t look sick, he just looked upset. Something is wrong.”


That made him angry. “Of course I care! But pestering him isn’t going to help! He wants to be alone.” By the end of his sentence he calmed himself slightly. “Look, I am worried too. Lets give him a little time, and if he still isnt making any contact we will go to him. Okay?” He put his hand on my shoulder. “I know you like to fix things right away Chris, but some things take time.” I know his speech was meant to make me feel better, but it didn’t. I didn’t want to give Guy time. I wanted to be around him more than I ever have before. When I kissed him last night, at first it was just me being silly but during the kiss I felt something more than friendship. Was it my feelings or his? I felt so confused, I had no idea what to do. One thing I was sure of was that I needed to talk to Guy, I need to figure this out before I go mental.


“ I am going to go take a walk.” I got up, looked at Will and smiled. He was reading and wasn’t really paying attention.


“Okay, see you later.” He didn’t bother glancing up. I technically didn’t lie to Will. I was going for a walk. I just had a certain destination in mind. I didn’t care that Guy wanted to be alone. I need to talk to him now, I can’t wait any longer. I want to know if he feels for me the way I think I feel for him.


:cheesy: i love this story!

now post more! :whip:

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