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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Chris laughed hysterically as he leaned over the railing. "Look at them!" he chuckled, pointing to the monkeys.


"Why are we here again?" Guy gazed at the silly creatures.


Chris crossed his arms. "Because it's MY birthday"


"and you wanted to come to the zoo," Will finished his statement.




"I for one like the zoo," Jonny chomped away at some popcorn he'd gotten.


"You just like the free food," Guy whacked him in the arm.


Chris started walking away. "Let's go see the kangaroos!"


Guy rolled his eyes at Will. "Wanna get out of here?" he whispered.


"It's the guy's birthday! Give him a break." Will looked ahead to see Chris and Jonny, hand-in-hand, skipping towards the kangaroo exhibit. "Okay, let's go!"


They smiled, walking back towards Will's car and leaving.




"Well, they're going to miss the best part of the whole zoo!" Chris exclaimed. "Their problem, not ours!"


Jonny nodded, continuing to eat his popcorn. "Look at that kangaroo! It's so cute!"


It was, indeed a very cute kangaroo. "Let's go look at it!" Chris stood up on the railing.


"Chris! Get off of there!"


"What?" He balanced himself. "They won't let a couple of good-looking guys back to see the kangaroos?"


Jon hit himself in the forehead. "Chris...just come back down...nice and easy..."


"But...awe...c'mon!" Chris leapt down from the railing and teasingly hit Jonny in the arm. "Now can we go see the tigers? They're even better!"


"Fine..." Jonny grinned, running after Chris, who sprinted joyfully away from the kangaroos.




the end sorta sucked but whatever :D:D:D!!

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Well, everyone...I have a short story! It's a mix between the two most popular genres on the thread: romance...and angst. It's sort of scary, even to myself...so, well...here you go. I hope you enjoy it. :cool:


The Fallout





My eyes snapped open as I heard the latch of the door click out of place. I was staring ahead into darkness, but I could clearly hear my own breathing. I turned my head, the sheets rustling as I looked over my shoulder. I could hear footsteps, then the thud of someone throwing their shoes into a corner. “Will?”


“Mm.” he replied gruffly. I reached out and turned the face of the bedside clock around. It was two in the morning. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, trying to keep Will in my sight despite the darkness.


“What’s wrong?” I asked. He hadn’t said a word since he got in, and I was beginning to get worried. “Was it Marianne again?”


He ignored me, and his silence served as an answer. I could tell he had gotten into another argument with his ex-wife, probably over custody of their children. I still felt horribly guilty for breaking up their marriage, but Will assured me that his love for me was strong enough to get him through. He also tried to tell me that Marianne was already seeing someone, although I knew that wasn’t true.


Eventually, I felt the bed sink down under his weight. I was exhausted, and just wanted to sleep and forget, but Will had other plans. He crawled on top of me, his knees pressing into the mattress around my hips. He leaned forward, and I shrank away a bit, nervous under his raw strength and power. He ran a hand through my hair and held on, forcing me to face him. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.


The next thing I knew, his mouth was pressed to mine, kissing me forcefully. I tried to allow it; carefully shaping my mouth to his, letting his tongue do what it wanted. But I could barely breathe. He just kept kissing me, pressing my head into the pillow and pulling at my hair.


“Will, no...” I groaned. But he didn’t listen. He pressed his entire body against me, grinding his hips to mine. I trembled and tried to worm away, but he had me pinned, biting at the skin of my neck and shoulder. “Ow, god...! Stop!” I hissed, pushing at his broad chest. His hands continued to roam over my prone body, nearly pulling me off the mattress. I was really starting to get scared; I’d never seen him like this before. Where was the gentle lovemaking I had known in the past few months? Where was Will? “Let go!”


Again, he didn’t listen. Instead, he vigorously tugged at my boxers, but he couldn’t manage to get them past my hips. I kicked desperately at his legs, still trying to shove him away. I couldn’t let him do this. “Will!” I sobbed. “Please...!”


Perhaps I had finally gotten through. He stopped suddenly, shakily releasing his hold on me. Through the darkness, I could see his outline, curled and tense. I lay frozen on the mattress, the cool air brushing the skin of my navel. The soft buzz of the digital clock and our heavy breathing was all I could hear. “Oh...” he whispered. “Oh, god...” He reached out, and despite my wince, gingerly touched my cheek. His hands were shaking. “I’m sorry...”


“What...What’s wrong with you?” I whispered, fumbling to put my clothing back in order.


“I’m sorry...” he repeated, struggling to get off the bed. His weight vanished, and I heard him stumble into the bathroom and shut the door. I couldn’t believe what he’d done. That had to be the closest I’d ever come to someone shagging me against my will. He’s drunk, I told myself. He’s drunk and he didn’t mean to do it. But I was still trembling with shock, maybe horror. I winced as I heard him throwing up and moaning something about never drinking again. Then he turned the water on for a few minutes.


Eventually, the noises stopped, and I swallowed thickly with apprehension. He quietly stepped out of the bathroom, shutting the light off behind him. “Guy...?” he asked, his voice raspy. “I’m so sorry...”


I was silent, burying my face into the side of my pillow. I was already beginning to forgive him, but I didn’t know how to voice my thoughts. What if he did it again? What if he’d really hurt me? I bit the side of my tongue as I felt the bed dip under his weight once more. But this time, he stayed away from me; on his own side. Well, for the most part. I hardly dared to breathe as he laid a hand on my side, his fingers brushing my stomach. He moved a bit closer, pressing his forehead into my back, near my shoulder blade.


“I’m sorry.” he repeated, his voice thick with tears. Every one of his apologies cut deeper into my heart.


“Just...go to sleep.” I whispered.


“I didn’t mean to...”


“I know.”


“I’m sorry.”


I paused. “I know, Will. I know.” I heard his breathing start to shake, and the fabric of my shirt was becoming damper by the minute. He sobbed silently into my shoulder, clutching weakly at my side. I shivered and reached for his hand, wrapping my fingers around his. I understood how he was feeling; miserable. His short burst of lust was merely a product of that; perhaps some sort of coping method.


Still, I wished I had never confessed that I loved him. At the time, I hadn’t realized it, but life probably would have been easier that way.




Okay, so more angst than romance...:uhoh2:






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