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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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a totally random stupid story :D



Once upon a time Chris was walking through a forest when he found a rock. He picked it up and gave it a hug. It then turned into a faery which granted him ten zillion wishes. His first wish was to be king of the world. The rest of the wishes he used to get muffins.


One day, squire Guy came into the castle and handed Chris a sheet of paper that said he there was an important meeting in a nearby village. So he, squire Guy, and his knight Will, went to the village.


They were greeted by an odd looking creature named Jonny, who sucked them into a UFO and took them to his home planet.





:lol: very... interesting. :P



come on, amy, i won't post the next part of mine until you post yours!! :sneaky:

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heres my insanely crappy-un finished story:D


In The Bakery-


"Hey I'm bored."Chris pouted.

"Oh no,what has the world come to?"Will sarcastically said. Guy snickered in the background and Jonny,who was reading his book, let out a small laugh.

"Jonny,Will's being mean to me,again"Chris cried.

"Thats great Chris."Jonny said,clearly engrossed in his new book.

"Guy,Will's being mean to me and Jonny's not paying attention to me."Chris cried again.

"Guy?"Jonny said"Where has my sexy hunk gone off to now?"

Guy wandered back in,holding a beer and a muffin.He took a swig off his beer and grinned,"What have I missed?,

"I want a muffin!!!"Chris tried to grab it.

"Its yours you big lump,its from Laura:D"

Chris took the muffin and munched on it happily,the boys breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm bored..,"Chris started."lets play truth or dare!!"

"ugh."Will and Guy sighed in unison.

"Oh come on,if it keeps him happy,then we should."Jonny whispered.

"YYAAAYY,Ill get the bottle!!."Chris yelled,and grabbed Guy's empty beer bottle.They all sat down in a circle

and he placed the bottle in the middle.

"Jonny you spin first."Chris ordered.

"Fine."Jonny sighed.He spun the bottle and it landed on none other than Guy:sneaky:.

"Truth or Dare Guy?"Will laughed.

"Dare I guess."Guy said.

"Okay,I dare you to kiss .....Jonny!!"Chris snickered.


thats all I got to,happy?:dozey:



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heres my insanely crappy-un finished story:D


In The Bakery-


"Hey I'm bored."Chris pouted.

"Oh no,what has the world come to?"Will sarcastically said. Guy snickered in the background and Jonny,who was reading his book, let out a small laugh.

"Jonny,Will's being mean to me,again"Chris cried.

"Thats great Chris."Jonny said,clearly engrossed in his new book.

"Guy,Will's being mean to me and Jonny's not paying attention to me."Chris cried again.

"Guy?"Jonny said"Where has my sexy hunk gone off to now?"

Guy wandered back in,holding a beer and a muffin.He took a swig off his beer and grinned,"What have I missed?,

"I want a muffin!!!"Chris tried to grab it.

"Its yours you big lump,its from Laura:D"

Chris took the muffin and munched on it happily,the boys breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm bored..,"Chris started."lets play truth or dare!!"

"ugh."Will and Guy sighed in unison.

"Oh come on,if it keeps him happy,then we should."Jonny whispered.

"YYAAAYY,Ill get the bottle!!."Chris yelled,and grabbed Guy's empty beer bottle.They all sat down in a circle

and he placed the bottle in the middle.

"Jonny you spin first."Chris ordered.

"Fine."Jonny sighed.He spun the bottle and it landed on none other than Guy:sneaky:.

"Truth or Dare Guy?"Will laughed.

"Dare I guess."Guy said.

"Okay,I dare you to kiss .....Jonny!!"Chris snickered.


thats all I got to,happy?:dozey:



:lol: that's great!


i guess this means i have to post mine... :uhoh:

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