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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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part 1




Christopher Martin threw his last newspaper at the last house on his route. He smiled, riding his bike to his shack-like house uber fast. Once there, he hopped off and ran inside, finding his mother making their usual dinner-twiglets.


He set his pay for the week on the table, taking a seat. "I got a .3865731 of a cent raise today, mum!"


His mum grinned and set a bowl of twiglets onto the table, getting one for herself, too. Chris' dad burst through the door, grinning as always.


"How was work?" Chris smiled as his dad sat beside him.


"Just wonderful!" he replied, shoving a forkful of his dinner into his mouth. "George says the tuba-making business is going to be booming...and he's never let me down before!"


Chris thought about how his dad built tubas for a living. "Great!"


His mum turned on their battery operated TV, flipping to the news.


"In the latest news," the announcer began, "famous candy maker Brian Eno is holding a worldwide competition. He has placed five golden magnets in his candies, which will allow five children to take a tour of his factory, and possibly win lots of cool stuff."


"Wouldn't it be great to win something like that?" Chris smiled at his dad.


His dad laughed. "It would...but it's very unlikely..."


"Just don't get your hopes up," his mum added. "And eat your twiglets before they get cold."


"Yes, mum."





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