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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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An Unsteady Trapeze Act

Part 2





We were just sitting at a red light, waiting impatiently for it to change, when Jonny told me about his cousin's kid Tom. He said Tom had been whoring himself for quite a while now, and it was all to pay for his transgender girlfriend's heroin addiction. Jonny had some very interesting relatives for someone who is kinda boring. I mean, he's my best friend and I love him to pieces, but Jonny's not really the hyperactive, spontaneous type. I guess I fill that role.


Then it hit me, completely out of nowhere. This song just popped into my head. It sounded pretty epic, from what I can remember, though it might have at first been about hookers. I could always change it later. I asked Jonny to write some lyrics down for me, as I was busy driving and I'd always been taught that writing songs while you're driving is a very unsafe thing to do. He said no, though, so I had to try to remember the song until we got back to my apartment, which would have been much easier to do had we not been listening to the radio the rest of the way.


When we finally got back to my place I bolted up the stairs and into my apartment. I felt bad for running ahead of Jonny, but I had to get the song out of me. It was like this monster... well, maybe not monster. Something more pleasant, like a kangaroo. I guess they're more pleasant. Anyway, it was like a pleasant kangaroo in my soul ready to burst from me and explode into a million sound waves. Jonny wasn't that far behind me, anyway, and he'd left his luggage in the car, so he wasn't carrying anything.


I'd left my keyboard in the bathroom, because for some reason I'm always inspired by my toothpaste (which is minty and delicious), so I ran in, grabbed it, and ran back out to the living room. Jonny had already made himself comfortable in front of my refrigerator, even though he was most likely aware that I didn't actually have anything to eat. I hit a few keys on the keyboard, even played a few chords here and there, but I just could not remember the song. It was starting to piss me off. After spending fifteen minutes playing random bits of music, I realised that it wasn't worth it. There was no way the song was coming back to me now.


"What happened to your song?" Jonny asked as he sat down next to me. He had somehow managed to scrap together a plateful of food.


"I can't remember it." I tossed the keyboard on the empty seat to the other side of me. Useless piece of junk. "It probably wouldn't have been any good anyway."


"Don't say that, you don't know."


"No, I do know. I can't write shit."


"You write great songs, Chris. Why do you think we're so famous?"


"Guy's devilishly handsome charm."


"Chris." Jonny pointed his green eyes at me. "It's because of the songs that you write."


"I don't write all of them. You guys help. You all are what make the songs good, anyway. I just... I don't know. I sing them."


"You sing them, and we play the instruments, and the fans go crazy. But none of the songs would exist if you didn't write them in the first place." I had to give some props to Jonny. I knew he was trying to make me feel better. It wasn't going to work, though, which ironically made me feel worse.


"I'm sorry," I muttered. It was a pretty silly thing for me to say, actually, because what I really was was thankful. Thankful that I had a friend like Jonny who would try his hardest to make me feel better, even if it wouldn't work because I was being a self-deprecating asshole. But I don't always think before I speak. Sometimes not even afterwards.


"What are you sorry for?"


"Um... for not realizing that today is Thursday and for making you wait for four hours in a boring airport." Well, at least I covered it with something that was actually true.


"Don't worry about it." There was that overly nice bit again. I really didn't deserve this at all.




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"Something more pleasant, like a kangaroo. I guess they're more pleasant. Anyway, it was like a pleasant kangaroo in my soul ready to burst from me and explode into a million sound waves."


:lol:! great job Brooke! toothpaste is very inspirational

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An Unsteady Trapeze Act, which i took from the 60 Minutes interview...

"Someone wrote that Chris Martin "is like watching an unsteady trapeze act" - one moment brimming with self confidence, anxious and angst ridden the next."


"Something more pleasant, like a kangaroo. I guess they're more pleasant. Anyway, it was like a pleasant kangaroo in my soul ready to burst from me and explode into a million sound waves."


:lol:! great job Brooke! toothpaste is very inspirational


it's also minty and delicious! :P

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