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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Well, I'm in Brazil. And I'm not dead. :dance:


But there was a lightning storm outside the plane at around 2 AM (very dark outside). I was like :stunned: "That's it, we're going down!" But luckily we avoided it. It was actually so beautiful, even thought it was so dangerous. The lightning was on the same level as we were, and it would completely illuminate the surrounding area of sky in a mystical, purple light.


Anywho....I'm back! But I'm quite exhausted so I can't really do much. :(



haha, worry wart. :laugh4:!!


that sounds amazing, though. :stunned:!

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Here comes the next part!



A Song For You







Chapter 1



“I uh…. I don’t… I can’t…” Will tried to speak, but words were utterly failing him at the moment. The song he had just heard was etched in his memory and it seemed to him like this was something that would stay with him for a long time. Silently, he moved to his place in the drums and started playing.


“What are you doing?” Jonny asked him, still perplexed by what he had listened a few minutes ago.


“I'm playing. We have to finish the song.”


“Oh, okay!”


Chris and Guy watched the other two play their instruments in order to complete the song Guy had started on his own. Not knowing how to react, Chris sat on the piano bench next to Guy, wordlessly, for a few moments.


“That was the most amazing thing I’ve heard in a long, long time, man.” He said, with a sparkle in his eyes. He felt like crying. No he wasn’t sad. He was jubilant, he would say if his voice would allow him to do so. He was proud. At that moment, he felt like Guy’s father for some reason. Even though Will was the youngest, all of them looked at Guy as the child of the band. It might have something to do with his careless, adventurous attitude towards everything. He was the little kid that never grew up in their eyes. Of course, they acknowledged him as a responsible father and back in the day a loving husband but he was still the same silly, funny Guy they met in college.


“Are you gonna cry, Chris? Cause I….”


“No, no.” Chris interrupted him, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall. “I mean, maybe.” He admitted, grinning at his friend.


“Do you really think it’s good. I know it’s got a few things that might need some arrangements and I’m not happy with the…” He tried to explain but Chris cut him off again.


“Are you kidding? It’s brilliant and I’m really glad you showed us.” He declared, letting the bass player know just how happy he was with the song by planting a kiss on his forehead and putting an arm around his shoulder. It was a spontaneous kiss much like when he did it to his own son.


Guy knew Chris was affectionate and he understood that was his way of showing people what he really meant so he just smiled, glad to know that his friends seemed to like the song.




“We finished our parts.” Jonny announced, obviously pleased with the result.


It was early in the morning and Guy had just entered the studio. His band mates were all in there already and it seemed like they spent the whole night working. Instantly, this wave of emotion overwhelmed him. They were definitely the most devoted, supportive people he knew, with so much talent that he felt swollen with pride to be a part of their group. He was never good at anything else other than music and it worried him to think he could lose everything he had. If they ever broke up, he wouldn’t know what to do and that thought made him feel even more blessed to have this amazing job, this amazing opportunity to play with his best friends.


“Well, let’s hear it.”


It was the most together they felt since they formed their band. There were no insecurities or shyness anymore; there was the sense of freedom that only a group of old friends could provide and that made Guy finally feel whole as a musician. And now he felt like he could call himself a musician.


He wasn’t afraid anymore, that’s for sure.




The recording of the next album was going in the right direction and everybody involved knew that. The band, the producers, everyone was excited with the development of their new work.


“You know what we haven’t done in a while, guys?”Chris asked one regular cloudy morning.


“We haven’t googled our names for at least… 3 weeks… That’s not right… I have to fix that right now.” He said, running outside the room they were in and searching for a computer, leaving the other three relaxing for a little while.


“Hey, Guy, do you want to come to dinner with me and Chloe tonight? We’re going to this great restaurant that a friend of hers recommended.” Jonny said while scribbling something on a paper, glancing at his friend.


“Huh? Sure.” He answered absent-mindedly. He was trying to write some more songs these days and now he completely understood what Chris said about seizing the moment when it came to music ideas. They came when he least expected them and it was up to him to grab the opportunity. He felt great with this new creative liberty he finally decided to embrace. He was so distracted he didn’t notice the glance between the guitarist and drummer.


“So you arranged a blind date for Guy and you’re not gonna tell him that? And you’re not gonna even be there?” Will asked, unsure of the success of Jonny’s plan.


“Well, yeah, basically.”


“It’s not going to work. And he’ll be pissed off for days. Not only that, he’s going to be angry and mean and you know he’s worse than I am.” He tried to reason with Jonny. “Be prepared. Because now he’s stronger than that time when you accidently broke his camera. I swear to God, it was like he had nude pictures in there. Anyway," Will continued "it's not a good idea. It’s all I’m saying. Oh, and if he asks me, I didn’t know a single thing.”


“Way to be supportive, man.”


“Just saying, he’s really proud when it comes to women. He’s a hunter, you know he likes to brag about that.” Will could remember vividly the stories his friend always told them after a particular lucky night.


“Yeah, and that’s exactly why I’m doing this. He needs stability, a girlfriend. I’m sick of him calling me at 4 in the morning just to talk to me about some woman he… met. That bastard only calls me because he knows I won’t punch him, I swear to God….”


“Well, then, good luck with your meddling!” Will said, knowing that his friend wouldn’t forget the whole idea of getting Guy a new girlfriend. “I just think it’ll backfire.”






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Here comes the next part!



A Song For You







Chapter 1



“I uh…. I don’t… I can’t…” Will tried to speak, but words were utterly failing him at the moment. The song he had just heard was etched in his memory and it seemed to him like this was something that would stay with him for a long time. Silently, he moved to his place in the drums and started playing.


“What are you doing?” Jonny asked him, still perplexed by what he had listened a few minutes ago.


“I'm playing. We have to finish the song.”


“Oh, okay!”


Chris and Guy watched the other two play their instruments in order to complete the song Guy had started on his own. Not knowing how to react, Chris sat on the piano bench next to Guy, wordlessly, for a few moments.


“That was the most amazing thing I’ve heard in a long, long time, man.” He said, with a sparkle in his eyes. He felt like crying. No he wasn’t sad. He was jubilant, he would say if his voice would allow him to do so. He was proud. At that moment, he felt like Guy’s father for some reason. Even though Will was the youngest, all of them looked at Guy as the child of the band. It might have something to do with his careless, adventurous attitude towards everything. He was the little kid that never grew up in their eyes. Of course, they acknowledged him as a responsible father and back in the day a loving husband but he was still the same silly, funny Guy they met in college.


“Are you gonna cry, Chris? Cause I….”


“No, no.” Chris interrupted him, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall. “I mean, maybe.” He admitted, grinning at his friend.


“Do you really think it’s good. I know it’s got a few things that might need some arrangements and I’m not happy with the…” He tried to explain but Chris cut him off again.


“Are you kidding? It’s brilliant and I’m really glad you showed us.” He declared, letting the bass player know just how happy he was with the song by planting a kiss on his forehead and putting an arm around his shoulder. It was a spontaneous kiss much like when he did it to his own son.


Guy knew Chris was affectionate and he understood that was his way of showing people what he really meant so he just smiled, glad to know that his friends seemed to like the song.




“We finished our parts.” Jonny announced, obviously pleased with the result.


It was early in the morning and Guy had just entered the studio. His band mates were all in there already and it seemed like they spent the whole night working. Instantly, this wave of emotion overwhelmed him. They were definitely the most devoted, supportive people he knew, with so much talent that he felt swollen with pride to be a part of their group. He was never good at anything else other than music and it worried him to think he could lose everything he had. If they ever broke up, he wouldn’t know what to do and that thought made him feel even more blessed to have this amazing job, this amazing opportunity to play with his best friends.


“Well, let’s hear it.”


It was the most together they felt since they formed their band. There were no insecurities or shyness anymore; there was the sense of freedom that only a group of old friends could provide and that made Guy finally feel whole as a musician. And now he felt like he could call himself a musician.


He wasn’t afraid anymore, that’s for sure.




The recording of the next album was going in the right direction and everybody involved knew that. The band, the producers, everyone was excited with the development of their new work.


“You know what we haven’t done in a while, guys?”Chris asked one regular cloudy morning.


“We haven’t googled our names for at least… 3 weeks… That’s not right… I have to fix that right now.” He said, running outside the room they were in and searching for a computer, leaving the other three relaxing for a little while.


“Hey, Guy, do you want to come to dinner with me and Chloe tonight? We’re going to this great restaurant that a friend of hers recommended.” Jonny said while scribbling something on a paper, glancing at his friend.


“Huh? Sure.” He answered absent-mindedly. He was trying to write some more songs these days and now he completely understood what Chris said about seizing the moment when it came to music ideas. They came when he least expected them and it was up to him to grab the opportunity. He felt great with this new creative liberty he finally decided to embrace. He was so distracted he didn’t notice the glance between the guitarist and drummer.


“So you arranged a blind date for Guy and you’re not gonna tell him that? And you’re not gonna even be there?” Will asked, unsure of the success of Jonny’s plan.


“Well, yeah, basically.”


“It’s not going to work. And he’ll be pissed off for days. Not only that, he’s going to be angry and mean and you know he’s worse than I am.” He tried to reason with Jonny. “Be prepared. Because now he’s stronger than that time when you accidently broke his camera. I swear to God, it was like he had nude pictures in there. Anyway," Will continued "it's not a good idea. It’s all I’m saying. Oh, and if he asks me, I didn’t know a single thing.”


“Way to be supportive, man.”


“Just saying, he’s really proud when it comes to women. He’s a hunter, you know he likes to brag about that.” Will could remember vividly the stories his friend always told them after a particular lucky night.


“Yeah, and that’s exactly why I’m doing this. He needs stability, a girlfriend. I’m sick of him calling me at 4 in the morning just to talk to me about some woman he… met. That bastard only calls me because he knows I won’t punch him, I swear to God….”


“Well, then, good luck with your meddling!” Will said, knowing that his friend wouldn’t forget the whole idea of getting Guy a new girlfriend. “I just think it’ll backfire.”







i loved it! is their new song called pinatubo? :lol:

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