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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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This chapter's better if you read it slowly...:\




I leaned over him and touched his shoulder, my mind flooding with the sound of a million warning bells. My stomach tightened in concern as Chris continued to not acknowledge me. “Hey. Hey...what’s wrong?” I asked quickly.


“God...Will?” he moaned, his voice shaking. “You scared me.”


“Yeah, and then you fucking screamed!”


“I didn’t... sc-scream.”


“Fine, but you were close.” How could he still be so stubborn? “What’s wrong, what happened?” I asked once more.


“I must have pulled something, I guess.” It was still hard for Chris to speak steadily, but he didn’t seem to be in much pain anymore. “It just hurts a bit when I m-move too fast...I’m fine.”


“A bit? It sounded like more than a bit. Are you hurt or something?”


“No, I just...it’s nothing.”


“I want to make sure. Just let me look, and then I won’t bother you again.” I gestured towards his chest, the area of his body he was unconsciously cradling.


“It’s okay, I’m fine.” I knew immediately I had picked the right spot.


“Then let me look.”


“No!” he was more adamant this time, and he even pulled himself up a bit so he wasn’t in such a prone position. I didn’t want to upset him or cause him any more pain, but I needed to make sure he wasn’t hiding something bad. I knew I could hold him down forcefully, but I also knew how much damage that could do to his trust in me. I felt ashamed for even considering the idea. No, I couldn’t force him. I wouldn’t.


“Please, Chris.” I said, holding out my hands non-threateningly. I knew I could be rough with him, and sometimes insensitive, but the truth was that I cared about him...loved him like a brother. Of course I’d never say it, but I would never deny it. Perhaps Chris could hear it in my voice that I wasn’t going to let him get out of this, because he slowly (yet surely) removed his arms from around his chest. “What happened?” I asked for the third time.


Chris glanced up at me, a resigned look in his eyes. He seemed almost ashamed. “I walked.”


Once those words had sunk into my head, I slid down on the couch next to him. “But...what...?”


“Just ran into some guys; it’s nothing...”


“You mean that you...” I was slowly processing the information. “What did they do to you?” I was furious at whoever had gotten to him, and terrified at the same time. What if he’d really been hurt badly? Even now, was he in more pain than I could see?


“They...they just...” He was starting the choke on his words again, in obvious discomfort. Worst-case scenarios popped into my head by the dozen, and I needed to get the first one off my chest. After all, he was showing most of the symptoms...


“You weren’t...raped, were you?” It sounded blunt and uncaring, but I needed to know.


“WHAT? No, of course not! Shit, man...!” He was glaring at me incredulously, and I knew instantly he was telling the truth. At least I could stop worrying about that particular thing. “No, they just...got me in the chest a few times.” Chris rubbed his wrists absently, his little self-comforting gesture.


“Okay then, lift up your shirt.”


“Will, it’s not that bad.”


“You just told me you were beaten, mate.”


“No! Well, yeah, but...sort of...”




Chris swallowed uneasily, but he did as I asked. As I leaned over him, I was horrified and shocked by what I saw. A large portion of Chris’s chest and abdomen (that I could see) was colored dark with bruising. I nearly gagged, feeling suddenly nauseous. His skin, once as pale as a child’s, was now a mix of light and dark. I couldn’t bring myself to keep looking at it all, so I dragged my gaze upwards. Chris was staring at me apprehensively. “Is it that bad?”


“Can’t you feel it?” Words could not describe the guilt I was feeling.


“Of c-course, but I haven’t...looked yet.” Although he tried to smile reassuringly, Chris looked frightened underneath it.


Finally, searching his face, I began to figure out the real reason he’d come here, and it wasn’t because he’d been a bit lonely. I knew that (subconsciously), he had come to me because he wanted to feel safe; wanted someone to look after him. Apparently, without Jonny around, that someone was me.


“Um...you can put your shirt back. I’m taking you to the hospital.”


“What?” he yelped. “No, Will, please...I don’t need...”


“I’m sorry, Chris, I have to. You need to get those ribs wrapped or something. Fuck knows how bad that bruising could be!”


I know! It hurts, yeah, but nothing’s broken!”


I wasn’t going to take no for an answer to this one. It was my fault he was like this, and I was going to make sure he was all right. “What the hell did they use on you?” My voice was quiet again.


“No, it wasn’t like that. They sort of just...” He trailed off, looking distressed.


I buried my head in my hands for a moment. “Chris, I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t...”


I felt a weak tug at my sleeve, and I was surprised to look up and see Chris leaning towards me, his arm outstretched as far as it would go. “Please, don’t.” He looked troubled. “It’s not your fault.”


“It is.”


“Did you rough me up?”


“But I...”


“Did you?”




“Then it’s...not your fault.” Chris leaned back, inhaling sharply.


I stared at my hands for a moment before talking again. “Come on. I’m getting Julie ready and we’re going to the ER.”




“I’m not arguing on this one, Chris. We’re going.”



This is really good! You write very well, it flows nicely.

aww but poor Chris! :cry: I hope he'll be okay.

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Chapter 3 of Healing


This chapter's better if you read it slowly...:\




I leaned over him and touched his shoulder, my mind flooding with the sound of a million warning bells. My stomach tightened in concern as Chris continued to not acknowledge me. “Hey. Hey...what’s wrong?” I asked quickly.


“God...Will?” he moaned, his voice shaking. “You scared me.”


“Yeah, and then you fucking screamed!”


“I didn’t... sc-scream.”


“Fine, but you were close.” How could he still be so stubborn? “What’s wrong, what happened?” I asked once more.


“I must have pulled something, I guess.” It was still hard for Chris to speak steadily, but he didn’t seem to be in much pain anymore. “It just hurts a bit when I m-move too fast...I’m fine.”


“A bit? It sounded like more than a bit. Are you hurt or something?”


“No, I just...it’s nothing.”


“I want to make sure. Just let me look, and then I won’t bother you again.” I gestured towards his chest, the area of his body he was unconsciously cradling.


“It’s okay, I’m fine.” I knew immediately I had picked the right spot.


“Then let me look.”


“No!” he was more adamant this time, and he even pulled himself up a bit so he wasn’t in such a prone position. I didn’t want to upset him or cause him any more pain, but I needed to make sure he wasn’t hiding something bad. I knew I could hold him down forcefully, but I also knew how much damage that could do to his trust in me. I felt ashamed for even considering the idea. No, I couldn’t force him. I wouldn’t.


“Please, Chris.” I said, holding out my hands non-threateningly. I knew I could be rough with him, and sometimes insensitive, but the truth was that I cared about him...loved him like a brother. Of course I’d never say it, but I would never deny it. Perhaps Chris could hear it in my voice that I wasn’t going to let him get out of this, because he slowly (yet surely) removed his arms from around his chest. “What happened?” I asked for the third time.


Chris glanced up at me, a resigned look in his eyes. He seemed almost ashamed. “I walked.”


Once those words had sunk into my head, I slid down on the couch next to him. “But...what...?”


“Just ran into some guys; it’s nothing...”


“You mean that you...” I was slowly processing the information. “What did they do to you?” I was furious at whoever had gotten to him, and terrified at the same time. What if he’d really been hurt badly? Even now, was he in more pain than I could see?


“They...they just...” He was starting the choke on his words again, in obvious discomfort. Worst-case scenarios popped into my head by the dozen, and I needed to get the first one off my chest. After all, he was showing most of the symptoms...


“You weren’t...raped, were you?” It sounded blunt and uncaring, but I needed to know.


“WHAT? No, of course not! Shit, man...!” He was glaring at me incredulously, and I knew instantly he was telling the truth. At least I could stop worrying about that particular thing. “No, they just...got me in the chest a few times.” Chris rubbed his wrists absently, his little self-comforting gesture.


“Okay then, lift up your shirt.”


“Will, it’s not that bad.”


“You just told me you were beaten, mate.”


“No! Well, yeah, but...sort of...”




Chris swallowed uneasily, but he did as I asked. As I leaned over him, I was horrified and shocked by what I saw. A large portion of Chris’s chest and abdomen (that I could see) was colored dark with bruising. I nearly gagged, feeling suddenly nauseous. His skin, once as pale as a child’s, was now a mix of light and dark. I couldn’t bring myself to keep looking at it all, so I dragged my gaze upwards. Chris was staring at me apprehensively. “Is it that bad?”


“Can’t you feel it?” Words could not describe the guilt I was feeling.


“Of c-course, but I haven’t...looked yet.” Although he tried to smile reassuringly, Chris looked frightened underneath it.


Finally, searching his face, I began to figure out the real reason he’d come here, and it wasn’t because he’d been a bit lonely. I knew that (subconsciously), he had come to me because he wanted to feel safe; wanted someone to look after him. Apparently, without Jonny around, that someone was me.


“Um...you can put your shirt back. I’m taking you to the hospital.”


“What?” he yelped. “No, Will, please...I don’t need...”


“I’m sorry, Chris, I have to. You need to get those ribs wrapped or something. Fuck knows how bad that bruising could be!”


I know! It hurts, yeah, but nothing’s broken!”


I wasn’t going to take no for an answer to this one. It was my fault he was like this, and I was going to make sure he was all right. “What the hell did they use on you?” My voice was quiet again.


“No, it wasn’t like that. They sort of just...” He trailed off, looking distressed.


I buried my head in my hands for a moment. “Chris, I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t...”


I felt a weak tug at my sleeve, and I was surprised to look up and see Chris leaning towards me, his arm outstretched as far as it would go. “Please, don’t.” He looked troubled. “It’s not your fault.”


“It is.”


“Did you rough me up?”


“But I...”


“Did you?”




“Then it’s...not your fault.” Chris leaned back, inhaling sharply.


I stared at my hands for a moment before talking again. “Come on. I’m getting Julie ready and we’re going to the ER.”




“I’m not arguing on this one, Chris. We’re going.”




God I almost cried.That's one amazing story

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To Emma:


Oh god, I'm so sorry! :bigcry:

I'm a terrible person!


But at least it's not nearly as bad as what happens to him in Careful where you stand! THAT was brutal.


God I almost cried.That's one amazing story


That's my ultimate goal. Making people cry. No, but really...that means I'm writing it well! Thank you! :)

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To Emma:


Oh god, I'm so sorry! :bigcry:

I'm a terrible person!


But at least it's not nearly as bad as what happens to him in Careful where you stand! THAT was brutal.


Very true :bigcry: and you're not a terrible person! Just a TERRIBLE TORTURER OF GOOD PEOPLE. Hahahaha I kid I kid.

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:laugh3: :D :blank: :worried2: :uhoh2:


So, as I was saying before, I might not be able to post the next chapter until...*gulp*




BUT let's just hope that doesn't happen! If it does, you have my permission to do this (:toilet:) to me.


Sunday's fine, take all the time you need (I'm taking months with See Free :lol: the fans are angry.)

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WHAAT? wow, this will be tough.. but I will try to wait patiently.

BAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAAA. i definently laughed out loud :lol:



but seriously, your story is really good. i cant wait for the next bit(: pooooor chris D:!

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Chapter 3 of Healing


This chapter's better if you read it slowly...:\




I leaned over him and touched his shoulder, my mind flooding with the sound of a million warning bells. My stomach tightened in concern as Chris continued to not acknowledge me. “Hey. Hey...what’s wrong?” I asked quickly.


“God...Will?” he moaned, his voice shaking. “You scared me.”


“Yeah, and then you fucking screamed!”


“I didn’t... sc-scream.”


“Fine, but you were close.” How could he still be so stubborn? “What’s wrong, what happened?” I asked once more.


“I must have pulled something, I guess.” It was still hard for Chris to speak steadily, but he didn’t seem to be in much pain anymore. “It just hurts a bit when I m-move too fast...I’m fine.”


“A bit? It sounded like more than a bit. Are you hurt or something?”


“No, I just...it’s nothing.”


“I want to make sure. Just let me look, and then I won’t bother you again.” I gestured towards his chest, the area of his body he was unconsciously cradling.


“It’s okay, I’m fine.” I knew immediately I had picked the right spot.


“Then let me look.”


“No!” he was more adamant this time, and he even pulled himself up a bit so he wasn’t in such a prone position. I didn’t want to upset him or cause him any more pain, but I needed to make sure he wasn’t hiding something bad. I knew I could hold him down forcefully, but I also knew how much damage that could do to his trust in me. I felt ashamed for even considering the idea. No, I couldn’t force him. I wouldn’t.


“Please, Chris.” I said, holding out my hands non-threateningly. I knew I could be rough with him, and sometimes insensitive, but the truth was that I cared about him...loved him like a brother. Of course I’d never say it, but I would never deny it. Perhaps Chris could hear it in my voice that I wasn’t going to let him get out of this, because he slowly (yet surely) removed his arms from around his chest. “What happened?” I asked for the third time.


Chris glanced up at me, a resigned look in his eyes. He seemed almost ashamed. “I walked.”


Once those words had sunk into my head, I slid down on the couch next to him. “But...what...?”


“Just ran into some guys; it’s nothing...”


“You mean that you...” I was slowly processing the information. “What did they do to you?” I was furious at whoever had gotten to him, and terrified at the same time. What if he’d really been hurt badly? Even now, was he in more pain than I could see?


“They...they just...” He was starting the choke on his words again, in obvious discomfort. Worst-case scenarios popped into my head by the dozen, and I needed to get the first one off my chest. After all, he was showing most of the symptoms...


“You weren’t...raped, were you?” It sounded blunt and uncaring, but I needed to know.


“WHAT? No, of course not! Shit, man...!” He was glaring at me incredulously, and I knew instantly he was telling the truth. At least I could stop worrying about that particular thing. “No, they just...got me in the chest a few times.” Chris rubbed his wrists absently, his little self-comforting gesture.


“Okay then, lift up your shirt.”


“Will, it’s not that bad.”


“You just told me you were beaten, mate.”


“No! Well, yeah, but...sort of...”




Chris swallowed uneasily, but he did as I asked. As I leaned over him, I was horrified and shocked by what I saw. A large portion of Chris’s chest and abdomen (that I could see) was colored dark with bruising. I nearly gagged, feeling suddenly nauseous. His skin, once as pale as a child’s, was now a mix of light and dark. I couldn’t bring myself to keep looking at it all, so I dragged my gaze upwards. Chris was staring at me apprehensively. “Is it that bad?”


“Can’t you feel it?” Words could not describe the guilt I was feeling.


“Of c-course, but I haven’t...looked yet.” Although he tried to smile reassuringly, Chris looked frightened underneath it.


Finally, searching his face, I began to figure out the real reason he’d come here, and it wasn’t because he’d been a bit lonely. I knew that (subconsciously), he had come to me because he wanted to feel safe; wanted someone to look after him. Apparently, without Jonny around, that someone was me.


“Um...you can put your shirt back. I’m taking you to the hospital.”


“What?” he yelped. “No, Will, please...I don’t need...”


“I’m sorry, Chris, I have to. You need to get those ribs wrapped or something. Fuck knows how bad that bruising could be!”


I know! It hurts, yeah, but nothing’s broken!”


I wasn’t going to take no for an answer to this one. It was my fault he was like this, and I was going to make sure he was all right. “What the hell did they use on you?” My voice was quiet again.


“No, it wasn’t like that. They sort of just...” He trailed off, looking distressed.


I buried my head in my hands for a moment. “Chris, I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t...”


I felt a weak tug at my sleeve, and I was surprised to look up and see Chris leaning towards me, his arm outstretched as far as it would go. “Please, don’t.” He looked troubled. “It’s not your fault.”


“It is.”


“Did you rough me up?”


“But I...”


“Did you?”




“Then it’s...not your fault.” Chris leaned back, inhaling sharply.


I stared at my hands for a moment before talking again. “Come on. I’m getting Julie ready and we’re going to the ER.”




“I’m not arguing on this one, Chris. We’re going.”



Oh my goodness! :o

That's not just wonderfully written.. it is.. it is... it is Careful-where-you-stand-ish-wonderfully written, holy crap! :stunned:


I am soooo looking for your next part, I love fan fictions like this, which are building up that atmosphere of worriness, excitement and sympathizing :wacky:

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YES! YES! I can prove friendship stories are just as good as slash! :dance:

What a wonderful comment, 'cause CWYS is a great story! :hug:


Well that CWYS story is some kind of criterion for me, how good or bad a fanfic is. :D


And yours seems to be a very good one, in a good CWYS-way one :wacky:



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