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||the coldplaying committee||


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||Chairman: Si-42 ||||||||||| Vice-Chairman: Aleluvscp||


||Mod Representative: Gitta Rensolo||VIP Member: mc_squared|


||Member: 2732||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Member: ravrat||




About The Coldplaying Committee


The Coldplaying Committee is the Committee for Coldplaying

...but a little more laid back than most Committee's. We have

a team who will hold regular open meetings in this thread

where you have the choice to raise your opinion about

anything we discuss! We also hold regular private talks about

Coldplaying and sometimes have some surprises! Also, here,

in this thread is the heart of Coldplaying where you can come

to see what is happening in the Coldplaying Community!









Our Second Open Meeting will hopefully be held on SUNDAY 25TH JANUARY AT 18:00GMT to 20.00GMT








Si-42 (Simon)- He's committed to the committee and is ready to take Coldplaying into a new golden age!



Aleluvscp (Aleja)- She was voted sexiest user at this years Coldplaying awards and she's here to put some sex appeal into the committee as well as be a dedicated Vice-Chairman!


Mod Representative

Gitta Rensolo (Julia)- Julia is here to represent the mods, she's the second oldest person on the team at the very old age of 23! (:P), She's here to whack sense into us and make sure we are all doing our job as well as being nice and helping the committee! :D


VIP Member

mc_squared (Mark)- Once the highest poster on the forum and he has now been recognised and been given 'VIP' status, he once was also a mod so is very trustworthy! He also has been voted funniest poster at the Coldplaying awards for what seems like forever, he is also the oldest member!, He's here to be our dad (:P) and spread some humour and also do his job!


Other Members


2732 (Nick)- The creater of the famous Coldplaying 'Mystery' games, he's a clever guy and a welcome edition to the team!


ravrat- He once was also a Mystery, but lets hope he doesn't remain a mystery as he works for the committee!





27th December 2008, Newsletter-

Hey, so incase you didn't know, our Committee has been finalised and I can now reveal the team:


Si-42- Chairman

Aleluvscp- Vice-Chairman

Gitta Rensolo- Mod Representative

mc_squared- VIP Member

2732- Member

ravrat- Member


We have a VERY strong group and I am very happy to announce them!


So, what do we do now you may ask? Well I have already talked with all the members and we are ready for an open meeting on Monday 29th December at 18.00 GMT and will end at 20:00 GMT, Hopefully all members of the Committee will be present! At this meeting we will be discussing various topics and will need lot's of Coldplayer's help with proposing new things and discussing our topics, so if you can, come HERE SOMEWHERE BETWEEN 18.00 GMT AND 20.00 GMT. Thank you.


One more thing, our first post of this thread will be the 'homepage' of the Committee and all info can be found there! At the moment we have got a little synopsis of each member, just so you know them a LITTLE bit better ;), We also have a 'Interview' with some of the members so far and more should be coming soon, so check it out!


Thanks for everyone's continuing support,




30th December 2008- Meeting Round-Up

Although not nearly as many of people as I would of hope attented the meeting yesterday, what we did have went well, and here's just a summary of what happened.


1) We talked about the Postcards from far Away project, we agreed that it was really fun and should be just a one-off and something to remember!


2) We talked about the Mystery games and generally agreed we would like to see them back but differently


3) We talked about the declining popularity of Coldplaying's already annual events and tried to see how we could promote them more, we said that when the awards, alias days etc. comes around we should all try and promote more by putting notices in our sigs ;)


4) We started to talk about NEW Events and we all said that we would be up for a Arcade Tournament, which the committee will organise which will consist of many tournaments and lots of participants!, we will be hoping to arrange this!


5) We mentioned other events, someone said a Art competition to create a picture of Coldplaying, it's not a bad idea, so we shall see ;)


And that was about it!, We will try to make as much as possible a reality and we hope that the next meeting will bring out more ideas and hope more people will attend, the next meeting will be sometime in january i'd say somewhere between the 10th and the 15th, so we will have to see, sooo....

Thanks! ;),




4th January 2009- Latest News!

There are three things we are focussing on at the moment and they are The Return of the Mystery Games, The BIG Arcade Tournament and more promotion in Coldplaying. Because we are trying to make these as good as possible is the reason why I havn't said anything for a while ;), But I can now tell you that the return of the Mystery games are well underway and you are in for a few surprises!!!!, this should be starting in a few weeks, maybe sooner ;), We will see how we are progressing. The BIG Arcade Tournament will also be coming soon and I will be revealing some more news about that in the next few days ;). The date for the next meeting still has to be finalised but I hope to tell you the date of the next metting within the next few days ;)








What We Are Working On...


The Return Of The Mystery Games!

The Mystery Game's will be returning in the near future with new twists, rules and fun!


More Promotion on Coldplaying!

The Rock Off! Contest included ALOT OF PROMOTION, We want this to happen for all major events!


The BIG Arcade Tournament

We would like to announce that we are looking into creating the 'BIG Arcade Tournament' which would incorperate the Arcade section more with the forum! More news to follow...




Meetings Archive...



The first open meeting takes place from the 32nd Page of this thread and ends on the 38th Page.




Design Us A Logo!...


THE WINNING LOGO HAS BEEN DECIDED! It is at the top of the page if you would like to view it! ;) Well done to the creater rudy_o who will also be winning a personal video which he recieve soon! Well done to everyone who entered and supported it!

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I don't think we need it a commitee.. everyone can start a different coldplaying thing if they want ... I started the postcards one and anyone can come with the next "coldplaying event"... everyone can promote those things and stuff...

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Come on guys! ;), I've got some great ideas and this can be fun and also breathe new life into the forum ;), This can be the central 'formal' place so everyone can know what's going on in the Coldplaying Community! :D, And we can discuss cool new stuff and do cool stuff!, We can see how it goes, but I really think that this could be great! :D


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if you want to start a certain thing, you're free to do it.. but I don't think a committee is necessary...



if there's something new and important in the coldplaying world... a new thread is the right thing to do to get everyone's attention

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if you want to start a certain thing, you're free to do it.. but I don't think a committee is necessary...



if there's something new and important in the coldplaying world... a new thread is the right thing to do to get everyone's attention


Well I'd Just Like To give it a go, and I think that you might find you like it! ;), I would like one of the mod's on the committee, would you like to do it?


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