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||the coldplaying committee||


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well saying things like i ignore the bad comments is sort of insulting and please, I don't mind if you don't like the idea, i just want you to stop going on about it and see how the trial goes...please! :D ;)



then why did you say that I was insulting you?


I clearly wasn't


if I have a bad idea I would like my friends to tell me ... that's helping, you know

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yeah I do.. because I think that the "solid team" thing is too closed... I don't care who is in the team it will be still a closed little group which is not the spirit of the board...


why don't just let the good ideas come instead of having a group trying to have forced ideas? and trying to take everyone's ideas as part of the group?


I apprecciate your efforts but as I already said we don't need all this thing... coldplaying projects have been working without this.. and worked very well


It is NOT ONE SOLID TEAM, as I have said all our meetings will be OPEN meetings for anyone to join in on and discuss! :D, Not everything will have to go through us aswell, it's not got to be a compulsary thing for people to come to ;)


then why did you say that I was insulting you?


I clearly wasn't


Okay, I'm sorry, let's not start a argument ;)

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on and if it's not a closed group then what is it?


We have

a team who will hold regular open meetings in this thread

where you have the choice to raise your opinion about

anything we discuss! We also hold regular private talks about



there's no need for a team in "open meetings" anyway... we're just people posting... not a president and regular people

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anyway the poll clearly it's against the idea :uhoh:

I wasn't going to decide it solely on the basis of the poll ;), And there are many aspects to peoples chocie's on polls, say, if they like me or not :rolleyes:

Chill out guys!!




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Where's Simon!?


Btw, I hate that Simon game in the arcade. Pointless. :veryangry:


Here, and sorry....


uh i dont really want to do it sorry simon...


You don't have to ;)


you just used the solid team concept... you're denying your own words...


if you have a project just create a thread and tell us about it.. there's no need to have this committee to talk about the project


In your opinion, can't we just have a trial?


on and if it's not a closed group then what is it?




there's no need for a team in "open meetings" anyway... we're just people posting... not a president and regular people


:rolleyes:, Look, please, all will become clear when it's all sorted out and the private meetings I was saying about to discuss how we can sort out the things in the open meetings ;), we will do this through PM'ing each other ;)

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Si, I really want to support you, but I don't think this is a great idea. Like I said before, I'm not very sure with this idea. (


Thats fine, but can't we just see how this goes?


you already used the poll in your favor when it was 50-50...


and see.. I've seen many posts saying that it's not a good idea







All I am doing is having a trial!!!, look, even I am admitting that it might not work but you can't say anything until we have tried it!

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still theres no need and many people said it's pointless.. you should respect that... and the poll of course.. that's called democracy and it works


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!, Please, All I am going to do, is see how the trial goes!





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Please, look I am sorry to anyone who doens't like the idea but I really don't think you should go on about how bad it is before you have even heard about it thats why i tried to come to the compromise of a trial, and that is what I am going to do, and I would just like to apologise to anyone I have offended/annoyed and would be grateful if I got an apology back as I am about to announce some of the members:


Here's the first













Ravrat!, He has agreed to become a member and I am happy with him ;), The next will be revealed in a minute or two ;)

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but why did you make a poll if you won't agree with the results...


most people on here disagrees... and you don't care...


you can have a committee if you don't respect the mayority's opinion


this is pointless


if you want to have a little club of people which will agree with every opinion that you have.. you shouldn't use the name of the board...


oh btw.. your sig it's too big

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