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Virgin Media!!


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Apparently Virgin have signed with BP or something to rule out Ileegal downloading on the ISPs profile and have some consequences to them. But these Vary and I do not know what will happen. My brother said they Repossess houses. I looked on the net and found nothing of the sort and various pages said all they do is send a letter explaining how to not download Illegally. Does anyone have any other info, it would be much appreciated. Im slightly confused on whether I should download or not? If you know what they or if they can do please reply. Thanks!!

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Anyway, there was an item on Watchdog about this sort of thing the other day, and if you have Wi-Fi, they can't prove it's you that's been doing the downloading anyway. Somebody might have been parked outside your house with a laptop for all they know, so it's a massive FAIL!!:P

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Virgin Media and other ISPs has been sending out letters to say "naughty naughty" since June.


The worst that could happen is that you get sent a letter from the Music Police saying "naughty naughty, give us money" or your internet service provider cuts you off.



As for the Wi-Fi Loophole, the law is working out how to close it down

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