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Scientist live from Mtv's VMA


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We love you, Chris!!!! Thanks a lot!! I can't wait to hear it...

Do you know if someone have a .mpeg or .avi of the performance?

Please, if anyone have it... (I haven't mtv, :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: )

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Awesome! I love when Chris talks to the audience! Thanks I didn't get to see the performance!! :D


Listening to is right now...I love this song!

Nobody said it was easy...it's such a shame for us to part...


I love how this song start out with a few instruments and then kicks in with the whole band...Excellent!


science and progress <---- love how he says that word! :)


Nobody said it was easy <----sing with me!!!


Too bad I couldn't see it! Any videos..please send

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I’ve just listened the song and the quality is excelent!!... I think the performance is very very good. Chris’ voice sounds sweeter, sometimes as a whisper... And the boys play brilliant!! The song is cut at the beginning, I suppose that Mtv did it... And it’s cool to hear the introduction of Chris and the crowd shouting... Although I miss the finals ‘ooooooh’ I like that end, great!!

To be honest, it makes me being moved... Thanks a lot for sharing, Chris, the sound is really great, you’re a genious, man!!

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thank you


I’ve just listened the song and the quality is excelent!!... I think the performance is very very good. Chris’ voice sounds sweeter, sometimes as a whisper... And the boys play brilliant!! The song is cut at the beginning, I suppose that Mtv did it... And it’s cool to hear the introduction of Chris and the crowd shouting... Although I miss the finals ‘ooooooh’ I like that end, great!!

To be honest, it makes me being moved... Thanks a lot for sharing, Chris, the sound is really great, you’re a genious, man!!


your most welcome noni and many thanks to you and everyone for your comments and feedback :wink3:





HTTT :sneaky:

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thanks. i just watched the replay of VMA a little while ago. i like coldplay's simplicity that i felt that all i can do is sit and listen. the band's number really strikes a chord (my chord, that is) :lol: :lol:

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