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Learn Assorted Languages With Assorted Coldplayers


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tomorrow you'll get a double daily finnish lesson :D


hyvää yötä!

great :dance: :scholar:


morning. :dozey:

hyvää iltaa

mitä kuuluu ruova crest? :nice:


btw true, i told my dad i'm learning finnish (well offered myself to speak a bit :lol: ), and he looked at me like :uhoh: ... hum all that music you be listening recently, isn't it? there are many metal bands in Finland, isn't it?


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hyvin. :nice:


oh you changed your location :surprised:


i think not :wacko: anyways it had not changed me. :p i don't see all the thing in that, nobody cared when i got into some sub-pop genre. :thinking:


mitä olette tänään tehneet? (meant to say: what you have done today?)

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oh that is good to check several genres. :D

i think it make people be a bit more open-minded in general.


closed on saturday? (is saturday there right?)


i've done the usual :uhoh: only changes today was that i played a bit on the guitar (although my wrist yes hurts), and i woke up early.


(now i wonder when my finnish will be good enough as to say that in finnish :wacko: )


btw any swedish teacher here? :nice:


are those languages too different? (finnish / swedish)

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I am definately alot more openminded these days.

and I hate all the popular music and shunned the radio :uhoh:


everywhere I go closes on saturdays :\


I still have to hook up the keyboard, so i can play it.

i cant sleep in even if i try, the most i can sleep in is to 9 am


your finnish is better than mine already :D


we could get Maja in here when she comesonline :D


i think they are similar.

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i don't listen to the radio for music, just to check some news but no music ;)

most radio for music, just kill music :sick: for too much playing.


oh that's bad :(


you have insomnia problems? have you tried any medicine, visited any doctor? there are some kind of "tea" that could help you to get to sleep. :)


oh well thanks, i try my best, but there's much to learn yet.


yay that'll be cool :nice: i miss talking with her. :(


i hope those won't be as similar as to confuse them or have to learn many false friends between both languages :uhoh:


anyways i could practice swedish for real with a friend from uni. :nice: (if i get to learn a bit in the next months).

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you don't like radio music either? :P


yeah, makes saturdays boring


I kinda have insomnia, but not bad.

plus, it gives me longer days :D


theres always more to learn, even with my english :lol:


I dont see her often :(


i dont think they are extremely similar, just a bit.



you should :nice:

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no i don't, they kill music as i've said. :sick: :shame:

but i do listen to the radio for news and some debate.


yes that's bad. :(


oh well but you'll be tired next day, don't you? or you don't have to wake up early? :thinking:

i've gone a bit insomniac this summer too.


oh well never is enough, we can always learn something new ;)


i hope she is doing fine.


well we'll see.

(man please someone control me.... learning 3 languges like in the same month? :freak: )


sure she'll be surprised to know it :lol:

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They play songs a million times and then never play them again :sick:

they are usefull for news though.


I don't really be tired the next day because i do go to sleep at night.


I should learn some new english words one day :P


She seems to be kinda sad lately :(


we won't let you learn anymore :whip: :p


haha :lol:

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Sorry, wusste ich nicht.:)


Was ich gesagt habe ist aber schon richtig, oder? Sollte an sich stimmen, ausser es wurde in den letzten Jahren wieder eine neue Rechtschreibung eingefuehrt.


ich denke du hast völlig recht. you= du should be capitalised in letters, most people don't do that anymore, i think. the comma was correct. are you english- german sally?

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