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Lebanese Coldplay fans?!


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anw ktir salbeh hal mara (2araniya salbeh hiyeh ma ba3rif bass 2enno)

->[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjiQrGUVYdk]YouTube- Tiffany Page - On Your Head - New Pop Music 2010[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hACrcroMJ5E]YouTube- Tiffany Page - Walk Away Slow - Official Video[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgHU6JPQyZc]YouTube- Seven Years (Rehearsal Video) - Tiffany Page[/ame]

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August 23, 2010 - submitted by Laudy, Lebanon



Q. Dear Oracle,

Hello! I am 14 years old and I'm going out with someone who is 17 years old.

Oracle, I really like him and he really likes me. I feel free to be myself around him and I can just tell him anything! So my question is...

How do I tell my mother that I am dating a 17 year old?

The age difference isn't that great but still, it's my mother we're talking about!

Any advice would be great. It's my love life at stake so no pressure! =)

Thank you for taking your time to read all of our questions!



P.S. Say hello to the guys, will you? =) I <3 Coldplay!




The Oracle replies:



Ah mothers eh? I jest of course but you may not like what I am about to say. A 3 year age gap at 14 and 17 is HUGE. For instance here in the U.K there are things that a 17 year old can physically do legally that a 14 year old can't and that can put pressure on an already pressured relationship. Your mother may have cause for concern but the best way to avoid her thinking that is to be straight with her and let her see for herself. You need to speak with her and she needs to meet your boyfriend to get to know him. At 14 she has every right to protect you and vet who you are involved with so allow her to be part of it. If I was you I wouldn't make a big deal out of it and perhaps introduce him as your friend on the initial visit but afterwards tell her your feelings.

Whatever her response it is better to be honest with her and then she is more likely to trust you. I hope you wouldn't abuse that trust because I get the feeling you're a sensible girl...



fi lebneniyeh bi 7ebbo Coldplay lezim netla2at fiya la hay n2ela 3an CPing

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hala2 bo7daron:)

barkeh ba3ed boukra la2ano liom 3andeh guitar w boukra tennis.


anw fi the domino state kamen ktir mne7 (fikeh tesma3iyon 3a coldplay.com)


eh ok:D

betde2e guitar:o wow:stunned: bravo:D

eeh cheftoun w nazzalet l free song:nice:


w 3a l oracle eh ba3rif, hayda l so2al l 7 men lebnen:dance:(3addaytoun:P w ana jewabetle 3a so2alen:cool:)


chefte hayde l de3aye[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7HXZDHacdY]de3aye[/ame]?

ktir helwe:heart:


w zekra Bashir Gemayel:heart: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVYzgfww4ys]bashir[/ame]

:bomb: yaret ma n2atal:cry:

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Micha chta2tellik:hug::heart:

:laugh3::laugh3: men wein betjibioun:laugh3::laugh3:


ma tes2aline:cry: kenet m2arera enno archeology bass manna ktir mni7a bel jem3a l lebnenye w bel AUB ktir 8alye:( badde 2es2al bel Kaslik 2abel jeme3et l je:shrug:

bass wa2ta ya3erfo 2enne 3emle SV kell l nes bi2oule rou7e 3mele chi 2a7san:sad3:

ask me agin in a week la2anno halla2 3emle depression:sick:

ballachte madrase??

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muse???? ma b7ebon zyedeh bass 2enno ma 3andeh mechkleh ma3on

2ana soret 7eb Larrikin Love (tarako men zamen bass ktiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir salbeh) tab leh l 2elon 3azeh byiterko w masaln rihanna w hol bi dallon?:(



leh tarako holeh l lebneniyeh? lezim na3mol chi nle2eh masaln holeh yalli sa2alo l oracle ne7kyon 2aw chi!

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