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[in search] after Politik solo


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Oh sorry, just found this: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1irxVCjgnrc]YouTube - How To Play Erik Satie - Gnossienne No. 1 on Piano (Chris Martin Verson)[/ame]


(This is Erik Satie - Gnossienne No. 1 on Piano)

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^ It sounds like a really fast arpeggio bit, of random notes of Chris' eccentric choosing.

He tends to go off on improv. classical streaks so it's difficult to specify one:


see 2:46 onward

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF087LV-CkA]YouTube - Coldplay Live 2009 - 2/14 Kobe, Japan (GPASUYF, Talk, Hardest Part, Postcards) ???????[/ame]


I haven't found any videos with the "Politik" part, I guess he hasn't played it recently... just the Erik Satie piece.

Sorry I can't be of much help.

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he's only improvising while they played it first because, the genosienne part after politik(he's doing that during VLV tour only so far) and the chromatically downwards going melody after gpas.../talk remix, both are standard and always used throughout vlv tour. so he thinks about what he could do, but he's not varying (as far as i have heard!)

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he's only improvising while they played it first because, the genosienne part after politik(he's doing that during VLV tour only so far) and the chromatically downwards going melody after gpas.../talk remix, both are standard and always used throughout vlv tour. so he thinks about what he could do, but he's not varying (as far as i have heard!)

When I went they didnt play Erik Satie.. but they played Reign Of Love what they don't play alot..

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