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Fall of the Berlin Wall Anniversary

chuck kottke

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it showed, that incredible things are possible, if there is enough people going together and peacefully so.

i find it a bit strange, how unpolitical most of this board's kids seem to be. lot's of sarcasm, which i guess is a means of coping with the emotional difficulties one has to deal with while growing up in this rather bizarre world of ours. but there is hardly any action, which is sad. one tends to forget, how much power each and everyone does have, when going together for a sensible cause. and i guess, you all know, that there are some very sensible causes and it would be great if people instead of moaning and being sarcastic about whatever, if they would put their energies into let's say the ecological challenges, that we face globally. or the problems of poverty. go work for your local food bank , go demonstrate for topics which you think are good, and infect other people around with your enthusiasm, or whatever.


that's what the happenings around the fall of the wall tell anyone, who want's to listen. thanks chuck for putting it up.

btw, i'm german, and i remember those days very well. and there are no words for the emotions i feel, when i see those days again. i've seen the obsceneties of old eastern germany myself, and i lived in berlin a couple of years after the iron curtain's fall, and met people who went to jail for their and their fellow peoples' freedom, they were quiet and amazing, and there was NO sarcasm in them.


and do it with humour, kids, never forget that. but do it. change things, don't just sit at your pc's and be sarcastic and smug and self- pitied. i know, that feels cool for a while, but it shouldn't be the end of your developement as human beings, non? :)

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i totally agree with you valerie.


i remember to see the people going out and smash the wall (sorry if is not the proper word :embarassed: )


but i have one questions (i was 3, and i say i remember),

people were given the order/advice to do so, or people simple went out one day and did so?


btw on my first year at high school one our teacher was offering a piece of it on a charity thing we organized, i wanted to get it, but it was not possible :(

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and it may never have been about one of those systems merely winning over the other.




@ ari: i'm not sure, if you are aware of the chronological happenings of those days. when the people started hammering down the wall in berlin, the iron curtain had already fallen. nobody asked them to, but nobody forbid their actions either.


it started in august 1989 in eastern germany in leipzig, it started in the prague spring in the sixties, it started, when the people of poland formed solidarnosz and were already an island within the communist countries in 1989.

gorbachev plays a major role, it's very complex.

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i'm aware about the chonological events (at least the ones you mention), just i said, if people did it themselves or someone told them to do so.

you know one thing is what History book says and others what real History is, and i was curious as, as i've said i was just 3 so my memory about it is not well enough, if you get what i mean.


thanks for your answer and congrats :) your first post here is really good one. :thumbsup:

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i do understand. so, i suppose government let people do this tearing down that freaky wall, to release all that incredible frustration, that had built up. it's also a very poor part of germany, so they saved spendings, hehe.


berlin has great people. straight, acidly honest, and very tolerant. i love it! :heart:

i need to go back so badly!!! :lol:

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i'm aware about the chonological events (at least the ones you mention), just i said, if people did it themselves or someone told them to do so.

you know one thing is what History book says and others what real History is, and i was curious as, as i've said i was just 3 so my memory about it is not well enough, if you get what i mean.


thanks for your answer and congrats :) your first post here is really good one. :thumbsup:


I think I get what you mean....


I think it was Schabowski who had a paper with a message on it in his pocket....he was told to read it out in public...after all there was some confusion going on and he read out what the paper said and it said the borders are open! This is a thing that made peoeple go to the wall...well...ah it is far more complex but I find it hard to explain in english....:\



I was 2 when the wall fell down...but when I see these pictures and esp. when I saw those pictures yesterday it really really tocuhed me....I talked about some aspects with my work-mate today and I realised how lazy we've become when it comes to demonstrating and all that stuff....


but I am happy that people all opver the world celebrated this important day...and not only us in Germany....because it is definitely an important day for all of us...haha but actually everybody should know that:wacky:


oh and another thing I am happy about is that Germany proved Thatcher (oh damn is there a TH or just a T?:uhoh:) wrong...

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I think I get what you mean....


I think it was Schabowski who had a paper with a message on it in his pocket....he was told to read it out in public...after all there was some confusion going on and he read out what the paper said and it said the borders are open! This is a thing that made peoeple go to the wall...well...ah it is far more complex but I find it hard to explain in english....:\



I was 2 when the wall fell down...but when I see these pictures and esp. when I saw those pictures yesterday it really really tocuhed me....I talked about some aspects with my work-mate today and I realised how lazy we've become when it comes to demonstrating and all that stuff....


but I am happy that people all opver the world celebrated this important day...and not only us in Germany....because it is definitely an important day for all of us...haha but actually everybody should know that:wacky:


oh and another thing I am happy about is that Germany proved Thatcher (oh damn is there a TH or just a T?:uhoh:) wrong...

so someone said something that made people go do that, ahh, interesting to know.

i'll read more about it all :)

thanks a lot, and congrats. :D

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