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Alternative New Comer


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Hey Guys My name is Joaquin and my user name is alternativejunkie0012



but thats not me LOL


I want to start with a clean slate

i really plan to make new friends from abroad and chat with them ..

I love music and plan to buy a guitar and compose some songs with my own style


I love coldplay,snow patrol, oasis, some greenday(ehem 21st century sucks) , uhm what else one republic, phoenix yes phoenix, KOL, Muse, Kid Cudi, Linkin Park, Good charlote, som Kanye West(awesome rapper with huge EGO..shame), Daughtry (love their first album, fantastic work),and last and not definitely the least , The Killers !! :cool:...


and a lot more alternative...and some rap and hiphop and pop well just the songs not the whole artist


Btw i also plan to make awesome art for myself and has deviant profile just a new one [email protected] and if anyone wanna add me up please do so!! I also need alot of digital art tips


and my YM just new alternativejunkie0012@yahoo and skype loki00121 facebook [email protected]




Well I hope i make a new identity here and share my love for music and ofcourse coldplay, and to fellow coldplayers,




Ps. hope to meet cool people here who love music as much as I do. Live breathe and eat it not exactly but the world is revolving in MUSIC

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