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What have you learned today?

Prince Myshkin

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I don't ride anything


I have learned that my new colleague (who I got to know yesterday) actually is annoying. Musicians are freaks....esp. those who think they are better than others because they only listen to classical music and play a classical instrument-.


I lvoe the fact that I play the saxophone and when I tell them they react super arrogant because a saxophone is not even an instrument for them....it's actually fun to see how lame some people are



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that my parents and my brother have an awesome sense of humour


That riding the bus is cold.

oh and speaking of this; The buses here are so freaking cold in the summer. It's like they think the air-conditioning has to be on full blast or the passangers will die from a heatstroke, when in fact everyone on the bus is shivering with cold. Like you put on shorts and a top only cause it's so warm outside but omg dont forget to bring your winter jacket for the bus ride. Weirdo buses :thinking:

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today (after 7pm) sucks, there are a lot of stupid threads in the lounge, there are annoying people in the kitchen, the weather in gothenburg sucks, the small room with the big bed is mine now, someone just fired a gun or something outside, I'm tired, blaaablablablla

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