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Miscarriage could lead to death penalty

Prince Myshkin

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I'm glad there are men who actually serve as advocates for women's rights. That gives me hope in humanity.


Around where I live, it's disgusting at times to see how some people live with the mindset that women are inferior. Sure, people joke about how "woman's place is in the kitchen," but there are people who seriously believe that. I would know because my dad is one of them. :|

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I'm glad there are men who actually serve as advocates for women's rights. That gives me hope in humanity.


Around where I live, it's disgusting at times to see how some people live with the mindset that women are inferior. Sure, people joke about how "woman's place is in the kitchen," but there are people who seriously believe that. I would know because my dad is one of them. :|


Well I often joke around with my sister frequently telling her that like for example if I'm helping cleaning up after a family party, that she should be doing it by herself since that's what she was born to do. Of course she knows I'm only joking and often laughs at how ridiculous that sounds. It is hard to believe that people actually believe that shit. I mean I feel sorry for my Aunt because she is expected to give my Uncle his food first, and often I'm told he responds by getting his food with a grunt, no thank you or anything.


Maybe from being from a liberal state and town that I'm more aware to giving people rights, but just in general the thought process is pretty simple. Why not give them equal rights? It's probably just because certain men are afraid of women becoming more successful then them (which many are).


Same goes with the presidental election. Many people bashed Hilary and went after her. For me I really don't care who the president is so long as I think they can do a good job. I could care less if they were male or female.

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I mean I feel sorry for my Aunt because she is expected to give my Uncle his food first, and often I'm told he responds by getting his food with a grunt, no thank you or anything.


OMG. That's my dad and how he treats me and my mom. At least, that's a part of it. I'm not even joking.


I hate it. My mom especially takes a lot of crap from him. :sad:

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That's really terrible. He shouldn't treat her like that, it's not right.


When my sister hears of how my uncle treats my aunt she often wants to call him out on it and tell him he's a douche... I wouldn't mind that...haha


Also what's even more ridiculous is that he seems to think that he holds more power or whatever, yet he is not even close to as successful as she or doesn't make nearly as much money as she does.

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Well, see, that's not the case at my house. My parents run a small business together. My dad goes out and does the manual labor while my mom does all the logistics at home. (e.g. take calls from customers, paperwork, etc.) My dad knows that we as a famliy unit are entirely dependent on what he does, and I sometimes feel as if he takes advantage of that. Sometimes, when I get frustrated because he tells me in the most unreasonable manner to do something for him (like the other day, he wanted me to get him another Dr. Pepper, even though his glass was still half full from the first one I poured him), I get called selfish because I "won't help out my old man" and he talks about all this stuff he does for me. While I understand what he does for us, that doesn't give him the right to treat everyone else in the house (especially the women) like garbage. It's not as if Mom doesn't do anything. No. She fills out paperwork, takes calls, cleans the house, cooks food, washes clothes, runs errands...she does all of that and more. The least my dad can do is not treat my mother like she's a slave.

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Yeah, it is, and while my mom doesn't have it nearly as bad as she used to (given how grown we are...I turn 21 next month, and my brothers are 19 and 17 respectively, with the older of them away at college), she still has a lot of stuff she has to deal with.


Just the sheer fact that my mother has had to deal with this madness for almost 32 years now saddens me. :sad:

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I agree... bashing women and taking away their rights is not right and not fair. I mean when you think about it of course there are differences but we are pretty similar overall... why is it in so many cases that the differences of people have to be focused on under a microscope?


Abortion isn't wrong. I don't think that it should be used as a for of birth control in the sense that a couple will be lazy to use protection and just have an abortion instead. In terms of rape cases women should no question get a choice being that it wasn't their choice to be raped in the first place. Their body... their choice.


I agree completely.


And this law is just sick- many miscarriages happen in when the baby is little more than a few thousand cells. One nondisjunction, one problem with DNA replication is all it takes. That's never any woman's fault, they're the ones that should be comforted and helped. After all, we're the ones that have to deal with mood swings, pain, etc because we're carrying little people in us. :|

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What the fuuuuuuuuck? RAGING HARD here. Doctors aren't even sure what exactly causes miscarriages. Sometimes it just happens. Yet they want to pass a law like this? ...AND expect the mother to somehow "prove" she didn't cause it or some shit?


Oh god. We've gotten far in advancing womens' rights but seeing sick legislation likes this reminds me we've still got a ways to go too.

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Imagine losing your child, then straight away having to prove your innocence whilst in a state of grieving. I personally see it as a mitigating circumstance for them going absolutely fucking crazy at whoever is accusing them.


Good point you have there! This dude fails to realize miscarrying is never something that women just move on through. There is always some period of grieving whether short or long, big or small.

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Agreed, this is fucked up on many levels.


Now, let's expand the rage over the lives lost as well in uneeded abortions !


Yes, I stuck my foot out there and said it, pro life supporters, I'm ready for the rath. I more than anyone know the reasons some may feel they need an abortion, but.....well, look at my avi then STFU.


My humble opinion, `just sayin. A life is a life, aborted or miscarried, wanted or not.:P

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Imagine losing your child, then straight away having to prove your innocence whilst in a state of grieving. I personally see it as a mitigating circumstance for them going absolutely fucking crazy at whoever is accusing them.



Miscarriages are nobody's fault or will.... It's a natural biological phenomenon to get 'rid' of a foetus that isn't biological vialable to survive. It's Nature's way of doing selection. Plus, some people are unable to maintain a pregnancy cause their uterus is unfit to keep it. Again, nobody's fault.


I can"t even imagine how someone can think of such an moronic idea.... People stupidity has no end...

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I more than anyone know the reasons some may feel they need an abortion, but.....well, look at my avi then STFU.


With due respect, as far as I can tell, and forgive me if I'm wrong (I don't think I am as you would have mentioned it by now) but your child is not severely handicapped, nor was he conceived with a family member, nor somebody who raped you. Whilst these are not the only reasons why many unwanted babies are aborted, what are your views on these cases?


Edit - does this require a new thread, or is there an existing one for general abortion and pro-life/pro-choice etc? I don't want this thread to lose focus on the appalling proposals being made in the opening post.

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