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Miscarriage could lead to death penalty

Prince Myshkin

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Fair enough.


I myself don't see early abortion as a life as such. And whilst I personally wouldn't want a baby of mine to be aborted (unless I knew there would be severe complications), I fully support other people who wish to have abortions, providing it is legal.

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Oh and by the way, miscarriages occur MUCH more often than people realize. Many women feel shame in it (although they shouldn't) and never say anything. A lot of women don't "announce" they are pregnant when they find out, because they know the statistics and want to wait until they feel it is "safe" to let people know they are pregnant.


Wikipedia isn't always the best source, but it indicates about 25% of preganancies end in miscarriage. Plenty of other online sources indicate that as well, some say as high as 50%. So, this guy wants to give the death penalty to 25%-50% of the women in Georgia? We'll see how well that goes over. :dozey:



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I can see where you're coming from Kels... I mean I'm sure there must be nothing more rewarding, happy or incredible than seeing your child for the first time... something that you created.


At the same point that being said I'm sure you wouldn't want to have someone else telling you what to do with your body. So I think overall it is the women's choice (though I don't think that late term abortions or using abortion instead of a condom is acceptable).


I guess going back to the topic of the article I find that it is terrible to essentially force women what to do, and if they don't they can be punished by death. Of course abortion isn't a good thing, however it is a woman's choice especially since it's her body.

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I'll just end my contribution here by stating, I said, again, abortions done by those not needed in the extenuating circumstances Gregory listed above.


it depends, to me, on the belief that "all things happen for a reason", and if that reason was determined by a Higher Power, then in the end, it's not for a mother's choosing at all. Meh/ I am unable to explain myself. As I said, I put my foot out there with this, but I just meant, why shed the tears and rage over the lives of the miscarried, when the aborted deserve the same, if not more so.

Abortion is a highly selfish act, it was of course an option I could have chosen. But in my situation, I know keeping my son was just as much a selfish act, and will also lead to later issues of guilt.

k, I'm done.....

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The sympathy was mainly for the Mothers who went through the miscarriage, not the unborn babies. Abortion, usually, is the Mothers choice. Obviously if it wasn't then that is a whole other issue. There are unfortunately some communities/societies where they do not have the choice.


And I respect your opinions on this matter by the way, mine are just different.

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And finally, of course the preferred option would be to keep the baby. The choice goes either way - keep or get rid. It's not just the choice to get rid. If a mother wants to keep a child which was conceived during rape etc then that is also her choice and she wouldn't be judged for it.


OK, heading to the gym.

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I agree... bashing women and taking away their rights is not right and not fair. I mean when you think about it of course there are differences but we are pretty similar overall... why is it in so many cases that the differences of people have to be focused on under a microscope?


Abortion isn't wrong. I don't think that it should be used as a for of birth control in the sense that a couple will be lazy to use protection and just have an abortion instead. In terms of rape cases women should no question get a choice being that it wasn't their choice to be raped in the first place. Their body... their choice.


Yes SUH.

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Pro-life. Life is life. I'm all for people doing whatever they like to their bodies but once it directly harms another the line should be drawn.


Simply saying life is life therefore means you would demand them to keep it even if they were raped or even if they knew that the child would die in it's early years and be in severe pain. It's still a life after all.


Edit: I'm not saying you believe this though, although you may. It's just the phrase 'life is life' really bugs me IF the person who says it also thinks there are certain extreme circumstances where it is OK to abort, because then there is no 'moral high ground' if they then say something else isn't a life. And then if someone is happy for a child to be born who has a thousand to one chance of not having an awful life due to a genetic disorder, then I question their morals. So yeah, I'm only bitching about the phrase 'life is life' here.

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Simply saying life is life therefore means you would demand them to keep it even if they were raped or even if they knew that the child would die in it's early years and be in severe pain. It's still a life after all.


Edit: I'm not saying you believe this though, although you may. It's just the phrase 'life is life' really bugs me IF the person who says it also thinks there are certain extreme circumstances where it is OK to abort, because then there is no 'moral high ground' if they then say something else isn't a life. And then if someone is happy for a child to be born who has a thousand to one chance of not having an awful life due to a genetic disorder, then I question their morals. So yeah, I'm only bitching about the phrase 'life is life' here.


What gives anyone the right to make a decision of life or death for another human being? Every human should have that as their own choice.

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WOW you guise, misogony is bad? I can't believe there's such an intense discussion over this, this is obviously one of those bills that aren't going to go anywhere, Georgia obviously just needs to do some representative-pruning.


Maybe I'm being undersensetive but it's silly to think that this law would actually be passed.

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