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The Awesome Random Posting Thread


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Band is my life. Well, that along with Coldplay, reading, and homework. :P (I have about 7 hours of homework each night, along with practicing my clarinet, and games.)


Oh and I tutor on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour and a half.

School is my life :sad:


:nod: but I love it

:( I won't be on that much either. Finals... :uhoh:


And college classes :freak:

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And no, not really. :blank:



I read Animal Farm in 4th grade. :blank:


I couldn't do that. I bet I've read over 9000! (not :p, probably more like 500)


...I have my list of bands I need to listen to. And a random novel idea list. :whistle:



Not trying to be snippy or anything, but you're gonna have to take some time off your list occasionally :uhoh: Especially if you really start stressing out over it :hug:


I read it in . . . :thinking: I don't remember when, but it was a while ago!


. . . I've run out of books to read from our school and public library :P


:lol: Some of my ideas are just random jumbles of words that don't have any context whatsoever.


For example: Radioactive dragonflies & Zombie hospital scene. Stuffs it down his sock?? Female lead = dies.

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Not trying to be snippy or anything, but you're gonna have to take some time off your list occasionally :uhoh: Especially if you really start stressing out over it :hug:


I read it in . . . :thinking: I don't remember when, but it was a while ago!


. . . I've run out of books to read from our school and public library :P


:lol: Some of my ideas are just random jumbles of words that don't have any context whatsoever.


For example: Radioactive dragonflies & Zombie hospital scene. Stuffs it down his sock?? Female lead = dies.


Radioactive dragonflies!? Alex! :lol::whip:

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Not trying to be snippy or anything, but you're gonna have to take some time off your list occasionally :uhoh: Especially if you really start stressing out over it :hug:


I read it in . . . :thinking: I don't remember when, but it was a while ago!


. . . I've run out of books to read from our school and public library :P


:lol: Some of my ideas are just random jumbles of words that don't have any context whatsoever.


For example: Radioactive dragonflies & Zombie hospital scene. Stuffs it down his sock?? Female lead = dies.


Again, I have no life. :blank:



Yeah, my public library has more than 10,000 books in it. No lie. And they buy new ones every two days. :freak:


...what the heck? :lol:


My elementary school was terrible. All we did was work out of everyday math books and read Maud Hart Lovelace books. That is it. No science or history.


...which is why I loved my little Montessori school. Going at your own pace (which was ridiculously fast...I think I learned long division in second grade :thinking:), no grades...:mellow:


But that does sound pretty awful.

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