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You know what?..


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Yes, but Daylight has that awesome riff that gets stuck in your head all day and just repeats itself over and over and over and over :awesome:


Plus, Up In Flames has more lyrics than just 'up in flaaaaaaames (x however many repeats)' but we can't make them out because of the lackluster audio recording we have :dozey: So people assume that they mustn't be anything special.

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Major Minus isn't crap, but studio version sucks though..


I personally love the studio version. I was a bit wary of the megaphone deal early on, but it really grew on me (like, after the 3rd listen). As I've listened to the Letterman show, I'm beginning to think that Hurts Like Heaven's backing vocals will be more prominent, but I'm okay with that because they're really cool.


The voice effect fits in brilliantly. It's like he is yelling this paranoid message over a microphone. I picture a grey industrial big-brother 1984 esque city with a man yelling propaganda over a megaphone.


I think it's amazing.


^ That's really the best it's been described. I haven't read '1984', but I've read 'Fahrenheit 451' and 'The Giver'. Those novels are what popped into my head as I listened to it. I love dystopian themes :)

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hurts like heaven>Charlie brown=Major minus=UATW=princess of china>ETIAW=Up in flames>Paradise


I like them all and Im really pumped for the album, hurts like heaven is my favorite so far and it took me a while but I like paradise its ok not a great single but its like a B-. I still dont get why everyone hates ETIAW its a good up beat song and it seems the band has fun with it. Im not really going to judge rihanna on the album till i hear the song

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