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Guest LiquidSky

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oh, i didnt recognize it was you 2732, you changed your avatar, i like it, i give it a 10 :)


p.s. if you reply to this post youll have 2000 posts!

Thanks, I got to 2,000. I like my new avi a lot better than my last one as well. Whoo hoo, 2,000!

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10, i love your dedication to your sig :)


I know ill get more friends, but im, what do you call it, ADD?

Its not that much dedication, but thanks a lot!


And dont worry if you're ADD, Im a derious insomniac. Its 1:28 AM and Ill probably be up for 3 more hours. I havent slept form like 10PM to 8AM in quite a while. We all got issues here.:)

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yeah, i guess, i dont really mind, lots of people have add, adhd, and all sorts of those little troubles. but, i did make progress today, i made a dvd out of the W9 coverage of the coldplay concert in france :)


and that took patience


and i think im gonna sleep now because i have a driving class in the morning and i havent slept in forever :\

i wish you good luck finding sleep and hope you get a good nights rest, i know its hard sometimes, see you tomorrow!

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