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^ Oh my god

you're just



you're so cute :wacky:


That's one of my favorite things about America

You ask a German where he's from, he says Germany

You ask an Australian where he's from, he says Australia

You ask an American, he says I'm American.




But I'm one quarter French, one half Mexican, one-eights Argentinian, five-ninety-sixth Egyptian and one-fourty-eighth Native American, also my in-laws are one-fourth Chinese and I think my cat was smuggled here from Canada but I'm not quite sure




This is the most true thing I have ever read. This is amazing because it's something that is so true but not many people realise.


I love you even more now.


God you're so right. I know a few Americans and 2 of them always say "well I'm Irish" and 1 says he is "Scottish". The only "scottish" blood he has was one great great grandparent.


I always imagine him in some seedy pub in Glasgow saying "I'm Scottish". He'd get his head punched off.


Why can't Americans just say they are American and drop the whole "Well I'm one quarter ___". NO ONE CARES what quarter you are. It makes no FUCKING DIFFERENCE. Stupid Americans! Grr! Just tell me what citizenship you have and shut the fuck up!

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That's one of my favorite things about America

You ask a German where he's from, he says Germany

You ask an Australian where he's from, he says Australia

You ask an American, he says I'm American.

Nah, more like all the US people might say American. Other's like Mexicans and Nicaraguans and Ecuadorians and Brazilians usually just their country. At least I never heard any of those say 'American'.


Eh, what was this about again? :huh:

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Nah, more like all the US people might say American. Other's like Mexicans and Nicaraguans and Ecuadorians and Brazilians usually just their country. At least I never heard any of those say 'American'.


Eh, what was this about again? :huh:


Dee is commenting on the bizarre trait many Americans have in that they seldom identify as being "American" and instead try to break themselves down into quarters and halves in an attempt to sound more unique. No other country has people that do that as often.

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^ Oh my god

you're just



you're so cute :wacky:


That's one of my favorite things about America

You ask a German where he's from, he says Germany

You ask an Australian where he's from, he says Australia

You ask an American, he says I'm American.


Yeah this.

People ask me where I'm from since my name and my face imply that I'm not from here and so I just act like "What are you talking about? :P I was born here." And then they say ORIGINALLY and I'm like "Oh. My parents are Indian."


Oh wait. After looking at the other comments, my agreement to your post makes no sense at all. Whoops.

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