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America is not the only nation to house idiots. :o



:kiss: :love: :sunny: :happy: :dance:


:rolleyes::o:santa3::hat2::clown::clown::clown: :heart: :square::rolleyes2:

:mellow::dance::dance::dance: :dance: :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: :rolleyes4:

:guitarist::guitarist::guitarist::sunny: :sunny: :sunny:




This is a victory for Americans everywhere.

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British people say "fuck" weird.
Nah, just Cockney's :P


I posted this in some other thread, but it's people like this that make the world a crappy place sometimes, I wonder what they'd do if they were put in the shoes of some of the immigrants that came over for a better life & actually understand what suffering is.

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Racism is in every country but people do not talk.


this mother was arrested,



go to jail ?

a poor child who will remember it all his life. it will be perhaps a terrible childhood, (people are talking and bad) will teach in the futur ?


my prayers for this little boy . apparently his mother was not much a mother to teach racism. :(

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