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How can I relax??

The Doctor

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I really need to

maybe if you all read this you'll better understand, maybe



Right now I'm having a crop in my troat and I shivering of my whole body.

I can't even breath properly, just little bits that make me even more nervous.

My mums says that I should relax and she don't understand why I'm in this state, neither do I actually.


Do you guys have tips for me?

I really need them now.


Thank you



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If you want to relax, I have one Coldplayer piece of advice: listen to Strawberry Swing :nice: (I read here like 1-2 months ago that it's one of the most relaxing songs of all time, according to a survey :lol: )


I listen to it like 3 times in a row before I go to class, or before a test or something, and it always works for me :)

Feel better :hug:

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