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Do you know Revolwem or Olivia Alva?


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I had a sweet friend named Olivia/Revolwem. She was an active poster here. I have never posted here. I had a dream about her last night. I have had quite a few. We talked for four years--we were very close. Last year she disappeared. I miss her.


I tried to google here again today, for the millionth time... Apparently there was a thread here called "Time to say Bye" that was recently locked. But the google cache showed that someone said that he missed Olivia (Revolwem/libbymew) as well.


Does anyone know anything about her? It's particularly painful because at one point we were somewhat in love I guess. I never had closure. Sometimes I wonder if she is still alive.


Thank you,


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Oh hey it's you, I was talking to about her on last.fm before.


I'm actually kinda thinking she might have killed herself, I know she had like OCD and her mom died and such. She originally took a bit of time off the internet for that but she was still kinda around and her Facebook was still up and stuff, the fact that it's gone only makes it seem more like she killed herself.

Me and a couple other people she knew from the internet have put a lot of work into figuring it out, messaged like everyone we could find that she may have knew, no responses, and I freaking crawled the internet trying to find anything and a bunch of other things, I've pretty much exhausted all my resources and it's beyond frustrating.

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I just want to know if she committed suicide so I can mourn and try to move on... This is so painful. She was borderline suicidal before though and what you said is true...


I don't know why the fuck her family won't respond to me.




That's her sis I think--did you message her?--she never responded to me. I have crawled the internet too and emailed everyone I could.


But do you know what is strange? Two months ago her facebook was reactivated for about 1 week. Perhaps it was some weird facebook maintenence, I don't know. But I was able to go through all her pics, her info, her friends--everything. And then a week later it was closed again. There could be a million reasons why, none of which involve Olivia having activated it herself. But that's how I was able to find her family members she had listed...

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I checked and I messaged her back in July, I messaged so many people and it's like why the hell will none of you answer me. It doesn't make sense. I found a lot of them by going through members or whatever of Facebook groups she had started and stuff, definitely would have been a lot easier to find them through her profile haha.


And that's interesting, I also often wonder why her last.fm said she was last on it back in May, I remember I took that as a sign she was still alive and then you left me a message and yeah.


I kinda feel bad about how long it took for me to realize her Facebook was gone and how long after that it took me to do anything about, especially considering she was pretty much my best friend. She's been gone for what, almost 2 years now?

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We are very similar then with our relationship to her aren't we... It hasn't been two years, well, not really. I remember because we were talking when I was applying for law school, which was about... 17 months ago or something. But it's close. She actually did disappear two years ago, came back for six weeks, and then disappeared for good. I messaged her entire fucking family so many times. I even just sent her alleged sister a linkedin 'inmail,' which costs $10.


She was one of my best and only friends my first two years of university... When I met a girl our friendship was strained. The last thing she told me when I told her I had a new girlfriend was that I didn't deserve to be happy, or something sad like that. And then it's been radio silence since then. Except you are right--in May--someone logged in. And her facebook account was active just a few months ago.


I called Washington University today but they couldn't violate privacy laws. I hope so badly she is just in some mental health institute and didn't take her life or something awful like that...


Everytime I start to move on I have some terribly real and haunting dream. And I wake up and start doing all these pointless google searches again. I know I need to just move on and forget about her at this point. You know if her name truly was 'Olivia Alva' I can't help but think I could have found her.


She went by any combination of the following: Olivia, Olivia Alva, Olivia Amanda, Olivia Rose, Olivia Amanda Rose, and so forth...

How is it so fucking difficult to find information.


Sometimes I wonder if everything she said was a lie, do you?

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Sorry for this ignorant reply. I hope she's OK, I didn't understand what happened. I remember Crests writing about her recently.


That is alright.


Sometimes the entire idea of Olivia Alva just seems surreal to me. Like she was only a computer ghost who didn't exist in real life. I never met her in real life. I can only assume she was the girl in her photographs. It has been years. It does haunt me a little though. I can't quite forget about her. We spent too many depressed days of our last two teenage years talking. Maybe one day she will read this. Or maybe she is dead. I thought I should try as hard as I could to find her one last time. Maybe now I can rest easier knowing I have done all I can.


Or maybe I will hire a private investigator to help me since for the first time in my life I have more money than I know what to do with :lol:

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