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Favourite Headphones/Earbuds?


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Someone sitting in front of me is wearing a pair of over-the-ear Beats on top of his flat-billed hat with the sticker still on it. His shiny gym shorts are sagging I WANT TO PUNCH HIM IN HIS STUPID FACE


Imagine being a kid and being around them 24 hours a day, 6 days a week, trying to finish the mediocre class and go home while they poke you in the back saying





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Hey now. I think it's justified if you take care of them and are really into music. I have a pair of $250 Bose ones. I've taken really good care of them and have had them for six years. They look and work as if they were brand new. And you can most definitely hear a huge difference.


That or if you work in a studio as a producer or something. They need super nice headphones for their jobs.

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Hey now. I think it's justified if you take care of them and are really into music. I have a pair of $250 Bose ones. I've taken really good care of them and have had them for six years. They look and work as if they were brand new. And you can most definitely hear a huge difference.


Same here!


I had a sony one for awhile that was like $30, then I sat on them But now I love my Bose ones. They were so much money though, but worth it.

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If it's for your job, that's different.

If you're some dumb kid wasting your parent's money on a $600 pair of headphones because THE BASS IS SO MUCH BETTER, it's not.


If I was a parent of a kid who bought $600 headphones I'd smack them on the mouth


Okay not really but I'd make them return them


Wait why would they have $600 of mine? That's the problem.

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