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Cancer: Curable?


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Hint: :nod:


I've been doing quite a bit of research over the past year or so, some of which I'd like to share.


This may not be breaking news in the usual sense, but to some people out there, it will be. The vast majority of people are still waiting around for the big pharmaceutical companies to come up with that long awaited cancer-killing drug (and turning to risky chemotherapy 'treatments' in the mean time), when there is a vast amount of research showing that most cancers can be effectively eradicated through safe and natural means.


In this thread I'm going to write up a list of a number of cancer-fighting substances that I am aware of, all supported by scientific studies, both human and animal. I'll also put up some links so you can pour through all the evidence associated with anything anti-cancer related yourself.


If you're interested in why the general perception is still that cancer can only be 'treated' with dangerous methods such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, this documentary below is one of the most important you can watch on this subject. It also lays out the evidence that 'Amygdalin' (Vitamin B17), found in bitter almonds and apricot kernels, is an effective (and suppressed) preventative & cure for cancer at all stages of formation:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qHNDYeF0MU]A World Without Cancer (HQ) - The Story of Vitamin B17 - G. Edward Griffin - YouTube[/ame]


^ I urge ALL who are reading this thread to watch this documentary in it's entirety before asking why this isn't common knowledge. Even more important is to get into the habit of doing your own research, be skeptical but not immediately dismissive, and gather all the information you can find before weighing the evidence and coming to a conclusion.






First things first:


http://www.greenmedinfo.com/ - an absolutely wonderful resource, circumvents all the spin and rhetoric and cuts directly to the evidence, so that you can DECIDE FOR YOURSELF. 'The world's most widely referenced, evidence-based natural medicine resource, available to everyone'. One of the best sites on the internet IMHO; for EVERY ailment you can think of. Bookmark it, use it, share it!






Here's a short list I put together of the 3 most effective cancer-fighting and cancer-preventing foods and substances that I currently know of. Feel free to add to this list, and cite sources / research papers if you can. I will cite two scientific studies for each substance I list as an example.




Found in: Turmeric Root

'Curcumin induces programmed cell death in human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells.'

'Curcumin and turmeric inhibit experimental tumorigenesis and DNA adduct formation.'


1482 Studies involving Turmeric: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/substance/turmeric




Found in: Cruciferous Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale)

'Sulforaphane induces cell death in primary human colorectal cancer.'

'Sulforaphane activates programmed cell death pathways in human colon cancer cells.'


167 Studies involving Sulforaphane: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/substance/sulforaphane




Found in: bitter almonds, apricot kernels, apple seeds, fava beans

'Amygdalin (laetrile) induces programmed cell death in prostate cancer cells.'

'Amygdalin (laetrile) has an anticancer effect via downregulation of cell cycle-related genes in human colon cancer cells.'


5 Studies involving Amygdalin: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/substance/amygdalin






Pour Over Cancer-Fighting Substances Yourself







Google is your friend is you don't understand what some of these terms mean.



For those who happen to already be receiving CHEMOTHERAPY / RADIOTHERAPY:


Why CHEMOTHERAPY is probably a bad idea. http://www.greenmedinfo.com/disease/chemotherapy-induced-toxicity - 184 Studies

Why RADIOTHERAPY is probably a bad idea. http://www.greenmedinfo.com/anti-therapeutic-action/radiotherapy - 49 Studies


Possible ways to counteract the effects of (and recover from) chemotherapy / radiotherapy:









And finally, a HUMUNGOUS list of studies indicating the wonderful effects of antioxidants, not only effective for preventing damage done by cancer, but also a whole array of other conditions: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/pharmacological-action/antioxidants






If you find this information useful, PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE! :cool:

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Broccoli and vitamin D, less sugary/starchy foods, more exercise, spinach, raw onions, walnuts, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate and blueberries do something to help prevent cancers, plus less exposure to radon and carcinogens.. Prevention helps quite a bit, though I know myself I'm far from perfect in that category..

Anyhow, if there are credible scientific studies to support Amygdalin, then it deserves respect as well - time to research it limited right now, but thanks for the references!

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Broccoli and vitamin D, less sugary/starchy foods, more exercise, spinach, raw onions, walnuts, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate and blueberries do something to help prevent cancers, plus less exposure to radon and carcinogens.. Prevention helps quite a bit, though I know myself I'm far from perfect in that category..

Anyhow, if there are credible scientific studies to support Amygdalin, then it deserves respect as well - time to research it limited right now, but thanks for the references!

Absolutely Chuck, diet plays a major role in prevention from what I've read also, and all of what you listed aligns with my own observations so far... I have thought about expanding the information in the first post, but it could grow to such a size that anyone passing by would probably be overwhelmed by the amount of youtube clips and reading material that they'll get put off and avoid it all together. I think it's best for it to remain as a non cluttered starting point for people to then continue to research this subject themselves, and as anyone who uses youtube on a fairly regular basis already knows, merely following some of the related videos will quickly present an opportunity to discover more information from different perspectives. As long as you exercise discernment while delving into 'uncommon knowledge' and are willing to search other venues to verify the information to your satisfaction, you might be surprised at how much of a treasure trove youtube really is! But I'd say that for every nugget of truth there is a good amount of BS to wade through and to identify as such, if you wish to come to any useful & practical conclusions that you can then apply to your own life an others around you. How much you learn will be determined by the degree of importance that this area of study has for you. Of course all of what I just said wasn't really directed at you, but everybody who happens to read this. Thanks for your comment!

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  • 3 months later...

Thank you very much! This is a great read, very informative and educating.


I can't wait for the day (if it will ever come) when we can all say "F*** YOU CANCER" because we have the cure


I wish there was something that could get rid of all types of cancer so no one would ever have to suffer it

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I thought this would be about research into stuff like tumor supressor genes and monoclonal antibodies but nope.

I feel sceptical when I read that page.


Indeed. I also find it interesting that the guy who made the documentary (G Edward Griffin) follows the theory that we could cure cancer but don't want to because of the powers that be, and also believes in and has made a documentary on Noah's Ark.


I concede that I have not read the thread in its entirety, however. Nor do I have the time.

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the cure for cancer

Well, there are so so many different forms of cancer. That's one of the problems. A cure for one type, does nothing for another type.


I am sceptical about OP's research because it all seems to sprout from greenmedinfo.com and I rather see different links (say different sources) and direct links. I had a quick look at the website and boy do they have a lot of rubbish on there.


RunnForTheHills, have you actually read the papers that are referred to in those links like 'Curcumin and turmeric inhibit experimental tumorigenesis and DNA adduct formation'

or do you take for granted what the title implies/that website says about it?

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I would also suggest reading Ben Goldacre on phoney doctors and dodgy studies.


His books (both Bad Science - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Science_(book) and Bad Pharma - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Pharma) are enlightening. Somewhat of a whistleblower, he rips the pharmaceutical industry apart and is respected within the industry he dissects. Famed for exposing quacks and bullshit homeopathy, his focus is on making things more transparent.


I would basically recommend reading chapter 8 of Bad Science ('Pill Solves Complex Social Problem') and the entirety of Bad Pharma.

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Yes! I was thinking of mentioning that book. Glad you did it.


He also wrote some nice critical stuff about most studies on anti-oxidants. Seems they don't really show they are preventing cancer ... that's why it's so important to read the actual paper instead of believing what the media writes about it, but yeah, as if people have time for that and are all capable of understanding those papers.


Goldarce's book is very well written. It reads pretty easy and has a lot of references in it, if you want to dig in a bit further.

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Yes! I was thinking of mentioning that book. Glad you did it.


He also wrote some nice critical stuff about most studies on anti-oxidants. Seems they don't really show they are preventing cancer ... that's why it's so important to read the actual paper instead of believing what the media writes about it, but yeah, as if people have time for that and are all capable of understanding those papers.


Goldarce's book is very well written. It reads pretty easy and has a lot of references in it, if you want to dig in a bit further.


Yeah, it's awesome. And the OP mentioning anti-oxidants was the deciding factor in me posting. Well, actually it was the first post by somebody else expressing doubt haha, but I had been lingering in for ages thinking it looked fishy. I just don't have the time to read it all and knock someone down on things when it's something so complex though.

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