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Tattoos and piercings


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Guest LiquidSky

Hmm I always wanted a belly piercing lol and a tattoo but I never got any. In a way, I'm glad that I don't have any:) How about you?

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I'm not really into piercings. For some reason I don't even have my ears pierced, but that doesn't mean i'm against ears piercing.

As for tattoos....well it depends. I don't think I would ever have the guts to get one, even if it's very tiny and simple, because as Tash said, I'd be afraid I might eventually regret it. There is one thing that I hate when it comes to tattoos: the tribal things (like that for instance, just ew definitely not my thing)

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Ireland in the 90s went through a gypsy/traveller/itinerant inspired phase were it became normal to allow young males to run around sporting a pierced ear (the left lobe was acceptable, the right lobe homosexual) and they would be in the height of fashion. I, being the skinhead scallywag that I was, shamefully sported this golden badge of cheap, tacky beauty for nigh on 2 years before the twin graces of common sense and taste appeared before me, as if in some sort of interventionary apparition and smote the golden devil from my ear and sent it hurtling back to the stud inferno from whence it came and I was free, free, FREE!

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I have my ears pierced. I think I want snake bit lip piercing (which looks like https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=safari&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=672&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=yaSWUeiTLoPS0QX5poD4DQ&q=snake+bite+piercing&oq=snake+bite+p&gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.2837.3348.0.4518.

If I was to get a tattoo it would be small and a place that isn't always on show, so lower back or something and it would be personal to me.

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Wasn't even anywhere in my mind that you were one


Realized the ridiculousness of my question when I remembered we're on a Coldplay forum



It actually got me thinking, that would be some miraculous turnaround if it did happen to someone, skinhead tearaway to Coldplaying forum surfer, surely only possible as a result of some kind of cosmically ordained lobotomy. I have trouble even thinking it could happen anywhere but in a parallel universe.

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Eight tats (none on public skin), ears pierced. Had tongue pierced, but eventually had to drop it when accepted at my current employment. Nearing my late 30's with no regrets. :-)

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  • 3 months later...

Oh no no no no, i hate piercings, seriously.

I have one tatoo (for now) is the Make Trade Fair symbol i´m the back of my head.


It means much more than only trade fairly, everyone in the world, including animals, should have the same rights.


Just a thought

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