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The Bidet

Prince Myshkin

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It's different.


Okay so I poop, than I clean myself with toilet paper, then, to be sure, if I want, I clean myself more than needed with the bidet.


So the bidet doesn't really get that much shit, so It's not really that gross.


It's used when the toilet paper isn't enough to clean or you don't feel clean enough, but it can't replace the toilet paper.


I should ask my mum about how many time she cleans it, but mine doesn't get cleaned that much because I use it really rarely, the one in the bigger bathroom gets cleaned everyday because it's also the guest bathroom when we have people at home.


We don't use that bucket lol, we use the same products for the wc

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In Italy we use it to clean ourselves when we poop and sometime we use it to clean our feets because it's really comfortable for that, your back doesn't hurt so much


So if you poop everyday you use it everyday, if you poop once at week you use it once a week


We have two bathrooms in our home so we have two bidets, here's the one from the little bathroom, the one that I use every day:





Thanks for telling us that you poop everyday

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