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The Random Game


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The game is called "The Random Game", because it goes like this; you say a word, I say a word and so on. They can not be connected. They have to be completely random.

So, the round ends when you say a word that's connected to any of the previous words that have been said.


For example;

> Me: car (1)

> Other member: air (2)

> Me: bus (3)

> Other member: street (4)


Bus(3) is connected to car(1), because they're both vehicles. Street(4) is connected to car(1) and to bus(3) as well, because they drive on streets/roads. It's that simple!



I'll pick the first one;



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Maybe I didn't need to give an example, that might confuse you.


Edit: Okay, read the 1st post it should be clear now :}

The game is called "The Random Game", because it goes like this; you say a word,

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

I'll pick the first one;




Wait I made a mistake I see. It's fixed, now it makes sense.

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