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Secret Santa 2019 *Christmas intensifies* [MATCHES HAVE BEEN SENT]


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Ahhhh! Finally! That took really long over the pond ;-) I saw your post that you didn't receive anything yet and I was like "noooo, hopefully it didn't get lost." but now I am relieved.


I thought about sending some of my favourite sweets from here and I am glad you like them too :dance:


Have a wonderful time :sun:


I was beginning to think I'd not receive any card but today I got a package from @Stepsi from Germany :dazzled:

Thank you, you made my day!

Those sweets are amazing :wacko:[ATTACH type=full" alt="11056]11056[/ATTACH]

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I had the opportunity to attend a Coldplay concert held at Bandra on the 19th of November, 2016.

My friend earned free tickets by participating and giving the correct answers to the questions. He had planned to attend it with a girl, but he was not unsuccessful to find one I became the lucky one. For attending the concert I tweaked my office time and went for it.

I reached around 2:30 at the entrance but it was already started before that as there were different people performance as well. The last entry was around 4:00 pm..while the Coldplay performance was going to start after 8:00. The most difficult part of the concert is standing below the sunshine which is not as good as that word sounds. Second thing, that it only applies if you belong to a middle-class family, with expensive food and drinks which they facilitate.

The band performance started at 8:30 and went up to 10:00. Waiting for six hours for that particular 90 minutes was worth it for me:

I am a fan of Coldplay.
It was my first live concert.
Other bad bands had performed which made more carving for Coldplay.
I had yellow zone tickets which were near to the stage.
As the band arrived on the stage, the energy level of the crowd went infinite. Everyone was screaming and clicking pictures. People could hardly see them, all we were able to see was smartphones and hands. Listening to a band live will never connect you as you listen individually, but your eyes don’t believe it easily that it is happening for the first few minutes. Then you start enjoying the concert and your heart will be fulfilled for just being a part of such an event.

For me, it was good because of all the lightings, fireworks, balloons, and decorations as they made it worth watching besides listening. The best part for me was when A.R. Raham and the whole band were together.

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