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Secret Santa 2019 *Christmas intensifies* [MATCHES HAVE BEEN SENT]


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Gabriela, I was SO excited to get your card all the way from Brazil!!! Mailing costs alone were outrageous from there to Chicago, so thank you for that! I’ve never received anything from so far, and your affirmation star and card made me feel extra special!! You are incredibly creative with that star and the way you spelled CHRIStmas on the card with his photo! That’s a good one! After several years of Coldplay Secret Santa, this is the first time I’ve seen that!! I’ll send you a PM and email soon!


Jillie Blue, I have thought about writing you all year. I will!!! Your email and gift last year meant so much to me!!


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Dear Sue,

I’m so happy you received it safe and sound. It was simple but truly made from heart. You deserve it!

I made the card at basicinvite.com! They have nice things out there and i’m happy you liked it. Sending you lots of love.

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Dear Sue,

I’m so happy you received it safe and sound. It was simple but truly made from heart. You deserve it!

I made the card at basicinvite.com! They have nice things out there and i’m happy you liked it. Sending you lots of love.

You too, Gabriela!

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Hello everybody!

I was the last one to sign on, I actually had missed the deadline … but Santa Claus was so nice as to add me on last minutes since he had not drawn the matches yet.


And then I was probably the first one to receive my card and gifts! It arrived before December and I contacted AndreaF to say thanks, but it took me until now to upload and select some pictures.

I got a lovely painted card in black and gold with a guitar and the text of Everyday Life, as well as artfully decorated baubles also in black and gold with Coldplay and a sun and moon emblem. Even the Christmas card was handmade. Really very arty and wonderful gifts. The chocolate balls in the little tree were also very cute. My daughter always loves it when there is milk chocolate in the parcel, as she gets to eat it then, since I only eat dark chocolate because of intolerances.


In addition to that I received a card from snowwhite who was my last year’s Secret Santa, and she had read that I missed the deadline. How sweet is that!


You're very welcome !!

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I am crossing my fingers that my Secret Santa match received her package ok. Post office says it was delivered, but no word. I am worried that the fragile gifts I made may have broken in transit. Santa, any advice?


P.s. Sorry to be paranoid. A few years ago, I did this and my match was never again heard from.

I know how you feel, also still waiting for a message here

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I am crossing my fingers that my Secret Santa match received her package ok. Post office says it was delivered, but no word. I am worried that the fragile gifts I made may have broken in transit. Santa, any advice?


P.s. Sorry to be paranoid. A few years ago, I did this and my match was never again heard from.

Same here, I am not tracking it, as it is my neighbour country, but I posted it about 3 weeks ago. I also had two secret santas that I never heard of, not even when I sent a private message to say it was lost in transit in one of the cases.

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Ho ho ho!


I understand some of you are a little bit worried. We try to prevent it every year by repeatedly reminding people to respond to PMs, but we sometimes don't hear back from people which is a shame. However, there's no need to panic at this stage, since many participants tend to wait until Christmas to open their packages and post a thank you, or don't find the time to post until they're less busy. The Holiday period is approaching now, or has already begun for some, so hopefully we'll see some more activity in this thread soon :)


@iamsue and @Mortilorie , I've sent a PM to your matches asking if they've received their packages. @YGillot , your package has to travel quite far so it's perfectly possible it's still on its way across the globe.

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@YGillot[/uSER] , your package has to travel quite far so it's perfectly possible it's still on its way across the globe.

Thank you! I don't know how the postal service there is, so lets wait and see and hope it gets there one day ... you are right, it has to travel a very long way.

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My package from my Secret Santa @iamsue arrived last Friday and here are the pictures finally! She is so awesome! She had Santa ask my favorite colors and my wrist size (lol first time I've ever been asked that!). Sue made me 2 bracelets and a Christmas tree! She's so sweet! One has all the colors from the albums! SO COOL! Thanks Sue!!






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I received my Secret Santa from Belgium this year! Yay!


Thanks a lot Hannah (@Captain Crieff ) for your nice message and the Belgian chocolate. I remember you as well from that memorable evening at the Royal Albert Hall and how wonderful it was to meet so many fellow Coldplayers there on the steps ;-)


I wish you all a wonderful Christmas time with your family and loved ones and a happy new year 2020.


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My package from my Secret Santa @iamsue arrived last Friday and here are the pictures finally! She is so awesome! She had Santa ask my favorite colors and my wrist size (lol first time I've ever been asked that!). Sue made me 2 bracelets and a Christmas tree! She's so sweet! One has all the colors from the albums! SO COOL! Thanks Sue!!






So glad you liked it and it fit! Your pics are great! I attempted to spell Coldplay in the middle rows with beads. If you look at the pictures, here are where each letter is most clearly seen:


2nd bracelet pic: The C is the crescent shaped dark bronze bead two beads past the moon charm. The O is the red/orange circle bead.


Top bracelet pic: The L is in bronze and copper tube beads with a circle bead between. The D and P beads are tricky mirror images of one another. The D is in the clear circle and bronze tube. The P is the light gold and dark bronze tube bead with the blue circle,


Bottom bracelet pic: The L is the dark bronze and copper tube beads with gold bead between. The A is the tricky one: It is the multi-color tube bead past the L with the right leg spilling over into the next section, with the Y. The Y has its two top light bronze tube bead arms sticking out the top of the bracelet. The bottom light gold light gold leg kind of flops to the right.


I tried. Can anyone see it?? It’s kind of hard to manipulate the position sometimes. Oh well. What matters is that Kayleigh likes it and it fit her!,

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I received my Secret Santa from Belgium this year! Yay!


Thanks a lot Hannah (@Captain Crieff ) for your nice message and the Belgian chocolate. I remember you as well from that memorable evening at the Royal Albert Hall and how wonderful it was to meet so many fellow Coldplayers there on the steps ;-)


I wish you all a wonderful Christmas time with your family and loved ones and a happy new year 2020.

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glad you like it!

I just realised the Santas on the card are ♪♫ riding a waaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaAAAAAve ♪♫

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I've gotten a wonderful package from the Czech Republic today with lots of different Czech sweets, ornaments (one of them even with illumination, as you can see on the photo), postcards, a picture frame with an Everyday Life band picture and confetti !!! Thank you SO MUCH for this huge package full of gifts my dear :dazzled:




Know that you have made someone very happy today !! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year back to you !

Unfortunately I don't know your forum username, maybe @SantaClaus can help (ho ho ho)?

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I've gotten a wonderful package from the Czech Republic today with lots of different Czech sweets, ornaments (one of them even with illumination, as you can see on the photo), postcards, a picture frame with an Everyday Life band picture and confetti !!! Thank you SO MUCH for this huge package full of gifts my dear :dazzled:


[ATTACH type=full" alt="10065]10065[/ATTACH]


Know that you have made someone very happy today !! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year back to you !

Unfortunately I don't know your forum username, maybe @SantaClaus can help (ho ho ho)?

Ho ho ho!


Your very generous Secret Santa is @charliefix :)

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I received my package safely last week, I wanted to save it and open it on Christmas Eve, but.. well... :laughing: thank you so much for amazing and thoughtful gifts, Maren @BuckinParadise ! Everything is so beautiful and made me very happy :blush: I wish you and everyone from this amazing community very Merry Christmas! :heart:



hah yeah I saw in the tracking that it reached its final destination :). You are welcome and I am so happy that it made you happy !! Merry Christmas again to you and your family and to every Coldplayer here !! ( btw I am coming back to Prague in February ;):gs2: )

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